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That’s not really indicative of a large industry. If the weather company was bought for 2 billion, at standard valuations they were probably pulling at most 100 million per year in net income.

User name checks out.

Doesn’t change your point, as I believe you are mainly referring to distance from the object being observed. But Webb orbits the sun.

Hybrid language is an existing linguistic term.

If I have a pile of money, and add your money to my pile and go to the blackjack table put it all on black without your consent. That’s theft.

> ...go to the blackjack table put it all on black...

I'm guessing you're not very familiar with games of chance.

Well, neither was FTX, so how is this not apt? :)

Or they didn’t understand the game they were playing… sounds like a perfectly mixed metaphor to me.

Personally, I put it all on jack. He seems like a trustworthy fella.

Yeah though people tend to argue semantics in this hypothetical. Especially if you win the bet.

I definitely consider it akin to theft even if people don't quite want to use the word.

And importantly even if you ignore the fact that people aren't being made whole by the bankruptcy's 100% claim, people still won't have gotten their money back for years. So people are still significantly harmed despite the criminal winning some illicit bets.

This seems irrelevant to my comment.

It seems to agree with your comment, though not sure what they intended.

The implicit connection is that some of the unprotected deposits that were gambled away belonged to rich people.

Well, it's just a declaration of what theft is, phrased as though I don't know what theft is. Which is wrong, and also doesn't seem relevant.

Not quite true a lot of people seem to think that if you won the roulette spin that you committed no foul. At least in terms of how they argued SBF should be sentenced.

So as you said the commingling was a large part of their crime.

But they did commit a bunch of straight up theft of customer funds to pay for marketing, political donations or stuff like houses for the employees.

Recommend you visit a casino someday.

The game you’re thinking of is roulette. Blackjack doesn’t have colors to bet on.

Putting it all on black is only theft if you lose. FedEx’s founder famously bet half his employee payroll on black and won.

FTX eventually lost.

More than that, they are getting substantial interest on top of the original notional value.

Sort of, everything is based on the dollar value of what they had at the time of bankruptcy. Anyone who had assests that have increased in value since then, like bitcoin, are getting back quite a bit less than they otherwise would have had.

Which specific ransomware attacks by the US and Israeli governments are you referring to?

I mean, the first post you linked to explicitly says they do sound similar. The last one says they don’t know what Scarlets voice sounds like to begin with.

Hmm, looks like you are doing it too then. He’s complaining about the conclusions of the article and you are taking it out on him.

Degrading public institutions is not the conclusion of the article, it's an objective fact. The conclusion of the article is that public don't want to do anything about it because people don't like bad news and prefer to shoot all the messengers.

So, that commenter was just wrong, and his wrong assumptions are perfectly explained by the article.

Except it's not an objective fact. It's a widely held opinion, with a fair amount of strong evidence behind it, but there's nothing objective about measuring the strength of public institutions.

There's folks who profit off panic, and prophets of doom should be treated skeptically like anyone else.

Half of my country is destroyed and showered with hundreds of thousands of dead humans and who knows of how many dead animals, while half of US politicum support the invaders and destroyers.

Everything may look as an "opinion" to you, but only until facts start hitting you literally.

>prophets of doom should be treated skeptically like anyone else.

the only difference between a cold truth and a prophet of doom is the lens you view it in. In other words, the opinions of the ones receiving the news.

Skepticism is good to have, but this article wasn't about an anthology of 2000's to 2020's unfettered capitalism. The audience of such an article needs to have some awareness of the modern economic situation to get the most out of this.

> Scrolling the wheel up makes my view of a webpage go up.

That's not universal though.

For people with the alternate configuration, having making the scroll wheel move down make the content zoom in makes sense.

I have scroll wheel up mean scroll up, but 100k stars has backwards scrolling mechanisms for me. So for me, the 100k stars is inconsistent with my system settings.

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