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The price is the only thing stopping me from buying it

I had an error stopping me from commenting anything for months, decide to message support, they say "idk bro some more info?" and the error went away. I kinda suspect they knew the info already

Sometimes the mere act of support looking at your account triggers backend sanity checks and automated fixes which only exist in the support tool.

Low chance but with millions of users you might have been a lucky one.

None i know of, should be pretty straight forward

She is from a far right party which main objective is dividing north and south italy. It was a hate party for the south, now its a hate party for immigrants so they can get more votes. It even changed name from "Lega Nord" to just "Lega" in a laughable attempt to erase their hateful past. You can still find videos of their leader singing a racist song towards neapolitans, asking the vesuvius to wash them with lava

Ah the classic italian right move: ban something totally useless to make your racist voters happy

Classic? What have they banned countrywide regarding to minorities?

Also this is a town of 29k people.

Coming from the far right party (not only related to minorities): - Rave Party ban - CBD Hemp ban - Cultivated meat ban - Made in italy new useless rules which made italian brands remove the flag - Allowed fascist parade while beating up students protesting. - Driving License suspension if found positive to drugs despite not being altered. Do i have to keep going? This government is terrible, racist and fascist. the town might be 29k people but the party the major is in is inside the coalition governing the country.

Thanks for the pointers, I hadn't heard about those.

P.S. The made in Italy ban makes total sense as it's about products using materials not from Italy.

Makes sense to a certain degree. Its still made in italy with materials not from italy. You just need to have a certain percentage of labour done in italy

Also Giorgia Meloni (the president), vividly expressed her disgust for gay marriage, so there is that. She wants italian to have a "Traditional Family" despite her being a divorced single mother whose ex partner (a tv host) was recorded off show doing verbal sexual allusion to interns while touching his dick

More specifically Northern Italy.

Monfalcone is in peak Lega Nord territory

i think the plateau is the real market value, we were just underpaid before

What is its use case? Looks like a jupiter-ish thing

I was an user of zeppelin for a couple of years (v0.7-0.8), we used it to run Scala Spark and the UI has a lot of bells and whistles to make it easier to use Spark, display spark dataframes and simple dataviz features out-of-the-box. It is a bit relatable to the notebook experience you would have in databricks.

Oh, i see, ty. Never used spark so i guess thats 1 reason ahah

I certainly felt like the use case of interacting directly with spark (through scala) and very low friction visualizations was quite nice. Not that it's hard to get that with jupyter, but batteries included, just click through the UI visualization was better for zeppelin

176 for me its blue

180 and blue and I suspect that language also plays a part (I was brought up in an environment where the word turquoise starts with green, but now live in a turquoise-producing state where the finished product look far blue-r.)

i mean i always saw turquoise as a greenish light blue, so it kinda makes sense

What about bat guano?

> Each night, workers cover the "buffets" (credenzas) with sheets of leather. In the morning the library is cleaned of bat guano [0]

[0] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biblioteca_Joanina#cite_note-W...

Still trying to understand when i have to put ||

Is it harder to understand than when to put lambda: in Python code?

i mean, kinda?

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