Nice someone from new Web circless officially confirmed that multi-langual infra is a must. And that qualified workforce is valuable too! I think "qualified" as in "works here some time and know company code base" :)
Yep. Peoples do not want kids becouse they do not want life long family. Paying for kids without families is not only stupidity but society degeneration.
Change laws to pro-family. Do not allow scams on "single-mum with kid send more money".
How stupid it is... All you need is your personal code exec space - in home, on premise or in datacenter you choose to pay ! Working as "personal home pages" was imagined to work.
But nooooooo... Telcos do not give peoples good internet for decades. Then "your own ip" in home is beyaund luxury... But free storage space from Apple and Microsoft is free! LOL Then people thing FB is a "web page" ! :>> And then computers are outdates and everyone need to dedicate one hand to carry replacement. But then you learn that "smart" technology is outdated becouse it predates IBM PC and you realy realy shouldent send SMS ! :>>
So there wasn't build a infrastructure that even kids can use ! :>>
Telcos actions could be understood, obviously :)
But peoples in service, mainly spying, should have more care for not destroying
plain citizens life infra.
Yep, I aways liked encyclopedia. Wiki is good too :)
What I would like to have in the future is SO answering-peoples accessible in real time via IRC. They have real answers NOW. They are even pedantic about their stuff !
"Our programs compilation (AI) gave 90% of correct answers in test 1. We expect that in test 2 quality of answers will degenerate to below random monkey pushing buttons levels. Now more money is needed to prove we hit blind alley."
Hurray ! Put limited version of that on everybody phones !