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How are there companies with Ruby source code making enough money to hire full time Ruby devs?

Ask GitHub, Shopify and Stripe.

Presumably by streamlining development so they can quickly deliver functionality to paying customers.

In a recent project the drag and drop features caused the most frustration. There are surprisingly very few solutions to this issue.

Peter Thiel discusses this same doom loop and some of your points in this lecture that I highly recommend: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Fx5Q8xGU8k

I wish I had listened to this a long time ago. That starting so niche nobody bothers you is a winning strategy would not have occurred to me. Thanks for sharing!

This they can actually sell, plenty of fulfillment companies that would be interested in buying. They aren't selling their tech though and I don't blame them, Facebook wouldn't sell to be in China so whatever. However, I am disappointed because we aren't China and shouldn't govern the same. I personally will be voting for any non incumbent going forward (for my remaining time in this country, I'm getting out of here), the current legislature on both sides is insane, dangerous and (obviously) slowly creeping up the road of fascism.

There's a great book that I think everyone should read:

"On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century" by Tim Snyder, it's also is short and to the point (audiobook is 2 hours long) and teaches people what to look for to see when their country slides into authoritarianism and what to do to fight it.

The author also reads it on YouTube if you can't get a hold of it.

TSMC is extremely prepared for earthquakes. The YouTuber Asionmetery has a good video on it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNKF21B01NQ

Its incredible what they do in terms of accuracy in a place with so much seismic activity.

From what I understand (I used to live in the main city for that), even the vibration from local trains are a factor

wow that is crazy attention to detail it must be so negligible but significant enough for the production

when the entire building shakes you really can't prepare for that

Since when are Israeli citizens classed as civilians? They are settler colonialist larping as legitimate citizens, and ultimately a hostile occupying force. That's simple. Hamas has every right to use force as it was used upon them, to get their land back from this occupying force. Israelis can move and stop occupying other peoples land and then they wouldn't need to worry about these "indiscriminate rocket attacks". Israelis are really all about that I want my cake and to eat it to (and your cake also). A pretty pathetic people tbh.

>Since when are X citizens classed as civilians?

Time to roll the moral dice

Their websites look so similar....

Blame it on Shadcn/ui

Everyone is using it and they all look the same

We'll be the boomers that are scared and critical, like our grandparents with cellphones

I'm high af right now and I'm not getting shit done.

Which is precisely how to make best use of a Saturday.


This seems to make a decent argument that these models are potentially not safe. I prefer criminals don't have access to a PhD bomb making assistants who can explain the process to them like they are 12. While the cat may be out of the bag, you don't just hand out guns to everyone (for free) because a few people misused them.

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