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I moved all my domains to Cloudflare, but one .dev is still stuck with Google for being a premium domain.

No word on migrating it to Squarespace for me for some reason.

That really screwed me over. AWS can’t register.dev, so we had to vet and approve a different vendor just for that domain. Super annoying.

Are the rules different for moving premium domains? I have a couple.

Isn’t .app only available on Google too?

Google is the registry for .app, they own the .app zone.

Other registrars also sell .app via Google and most of them should have an option to transfer .app, .dev, etc.

They only shutdown their registrar business.

I believe they are betting on being able to monetize things around their "Large Action Model".

Could be market for the automations, where people can for example sell "buy tickets on ticketmaster" actions.

They could also monetize all the data they have and will have training that particular model, which is very lucrative if the AI bubble continues to inflate.

Voice skill discoverability was a huge issue for Amazon's alexa, and I don't see how this is any different except it's more expensive for both hardware and processing.

They deleted the entire GitHub account.

Here's the archive: https://web.archive.org/web/20240424095530/https://github.co...

Can they argue that aggregated usage data does not constitute user data?

I imagine they had a lawyer clear this and so there must be some convoluted argument by which they think this is fine.

However, it still makes me lose trust in Cloudflare, this is pretty clear language to me that data is not used for anything but debugging, yet here we obviously see user data being mined for analytics.

From their privacy policy[1]:

> Cloudflare will only retain or use what is being asked, not information that will identify who is asking it.

It’s also not a good metric, given it’s biased on locations where people are more likely to use

I see for example Brazil oddly ranks pretty high on many sites.

[1]: https://developers.cloudflare.com/

It’s never lupus. It’s always race conditions.

"Google Is Full of AI Dogshit" or "Search Engines Are Full of AI Dogshit" or even better "Search Engine Algorithms Expose All of Internet's recent AI Dogshit"

How about 'internet content which is dependent on ad-revenue inevitably turns anything associated with it to dogshit'?

I have a sneaking suspicion that at some point in the distant future advertising will be banned simply because it's so associated with the tragedy of the information commons.

And I have a skepticism that capitalism will never allow that.


In the meantime web developers keep yelling “you don’t need console.log”, lol

Web developers typically have working debuggers available though.

I write SPAs in VueJS, but even with the vue devtools available, I still find myself using console.log so that I don't have to keep drilling down into a very deep component tree every time the page reloads. Plus, the console lets me scroll back and read the history of changes, something I'd only get in the devtools if I threw every bit of local state into pinia. The devtools come in handy from time to time, but the DX is just not there yet, and I doubt it ever will be.

GPU often has debuggers available. PIX is very good these days for example.

More and more hacker news needs a way to pin these kinds of comments due to servers getting overwhelmed.

Or just a link for everything at the top which loads from internet archive. It would also help stuff get archived.

Sounds like a job for a userscript, or the IA browser extension.

I think it would benefit everyone

I wish I had the skills.

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