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Silence? No analysis? Prices on every crypto are down massively. This news is hours fresh. What are you talking about? What are your expectations here? Was this not a crash?

Yes, BTC and other crypto are down 80-90% in a matter of weeks, but this is Bitfinex making it "easier" to withdraw your money. Are you gullible or trying to deceive others to save yourself?

They're not down 80%-90% within weeks. BTC has been on a year long decline from it's $19K peak this time last year. I'm not gullible, people are withdrawing USD using USDT. Thats a stable coin acting as advertised. I've never owned any Tether. But I've never seen so much FUD. Personally, I'm going to be getting some DAI as a stable coin as I like and trust it's decentralized system much better.

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