The book "Angle of Attack: Harrison Storms and the Race to the Moon" by Mike Gray, was published in 1992 to 1994, so it is available at low cost at AbeBooks.
Had to look it up but apparently rexx was first released in 1979. My first thought for a contender was the Bourne shell for unix but it too was released in 1979. The earlier Thompson shell(1971) apparently was not really designed for scripting. csh was released with 2bsd in 1978.
But then I got off the unix kick and looked at the xerox alto which had a smalltalk environment and smalltalk was first released in 1972 and I would say that due to it's interactive nature smalltalk is defiantly a scripting language.
But then I looked at lisp, and it is hard to say if lisp is a scripting language, it could have been, however it was invented and implemented before there were really environments to script. but I am still going to give the award to lisp. and from the wikipedia page, I thought this was pretty great.
"According to McCarthy
Steve Russell said, look, why don't I program this eval ...
and I said to him, ho, ho, you're confusing theory with practice,
this eval is intended for reading, not for computing.
But he went ahead and did it.
That is, he compiled the eval in my paper into IBM 704 machine code,
fixing bugs, and then advertised this as a Lisp interpreter, which it certainly was.
So at that point Lisp had essentially the form that it has today ...
> Had to look it up but apparently rexx was first released in 1979
REXX was designed as successor to two earlier, more cumbersome scripting languages for the IBM VM/CMS operating system, EXEC and its successor EXEC 2. So arguing REXX is the “first” scripting language requires ignoring REXX’s direct ancestors
Plot point for evil person disaster movie: large masses are staged above super long vertical tunnels. The masses are released at the same time and increase the Earth's rotation speed to cause something bad to happen. ;)
While a home may not be a good monetary investment, it is a good investment for social and family stability=> have a place to go home to, store your stuff, have a family hangout space, all with predictable monthly payments is great to have.
Stage trees if I recall were the subject of a series of science fiction stories. They grew as boosters essentially, ignited at some point to launch and spread their seeds. If they grew for a long time without igniting, they might leave the planet.
The unlikeliness of the wooden spaceship was one of my favorite parts of the sci-fi mystery/adventure game “The Outer Wilds”. (An indie gem…highly recommended, if you like puzzles or exploration.)