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Georgia - also 1 mile from the school. I tried riding by bike with my daughter and the principal called and told me to never do it again as it was too unsafe. She claimed you were only allowed to go to school by car or bus, despite there being a sidewalk.

I moved to the Netherlands last week. I was paying $120 a month for 100 mbps with Spectrum. New customers paid less and got more. I complained and explained that was hardly fair since I had been a customer for 15 years at the same address. They said I was welcome to cancel my service for 3 months and re-activate.

I now pay €67.50 for 4gbps up / 4gpbs down. I'm actually getting those speeds and the day I arrived service was already turned on. I just had to ride my bike down to the post office and retrieve my modem.

This is mentioned all the time but the cost to get a driver's license in Germany is incredible high. And even after spending a lot of money on training, most native Germans fail the exam the first time. Then, like you said - there are rules and very stiff penalties in place for after you get your license.

Americans would simply not put up with this.

The HN rules say the original source should be posted (which may mean a paywalled link) and that you shouldn’t post comments complaining about it:


The best thing to do is to comment an archive link or upvote an existing (working) one.

lunchtime doubly so

Thanks for saving me the trouble to post that. Somebody needed to. DA - RIP.

Thankfully, a Hoopy Frood was available this day.

This is how it’s done in the Netherlands. You sign up for a bank account and they check your ID, your proof of residency, they do a video selfie, etc. It was impossible for me to get a Dutch bank account (as an American) until after I signed my apartment lease which was a bit of a catch-22 but not insurmountable.

But once that is all setup they have a system called digiID that is wonderful. Anytime your identification needs to be verified it’s done through your bank. I signed up for renters insurance, they did a little oauth thing with the bank, the bank asked which details I was willing to share (the insurance company asked for just last name, dob, and address) and I agreed. It took seconds.

> Note: The “Holborn” name is to signify that these computers were “Born in Holland”. Hol. Born.

Not entirely accurate as the company was in Hengelo, Overijssel but "Overborn" just doesn't have the same ring to it.

I built an iPad app for a fun little three letter government agency. It wasn't bad at all.

The fear is real. There is no space under the seat for both a bag and feet if you are tall. I carry a reasonable sized carry on but it contains a work laptop and a few mobile devices / tablets (I'm a mobile dev) plus prescription medication. I get so anxious waiting to see if there will be space.

Every October I get a hundred or so calls and texts for someone named Eileen reminding her it's open enrollment time for Obamacare. It started suddenly a few years ago so I think the real Eileen just entered the wrong number by mistake but I have no idea how to make it stop.

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