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There is ruby-lsp and ruby-lsp-rails. For the former to shine you do need to use sorbet but for any moderate to large sized rails app I'd personally recommend it anyway. Yes it's not perfect, yes it has a learning curve but boy does it make refactoring easier, faster and safer.

ruby-lsp-rails builds on top of that and hands out information on models and routes mostly

Also using ruby-lsp with VS Code and it's been a game-changer.

I'm using ruby-lsp and DAP with NeoVim and I know others using it with emacs so ruby-lsp really is a great boon to the community.

I am not using a VPN or anything and can access http://www.gutenberg.org/ just fine from germany (including access to books). Not sure why though.

Does this apply to DMCA notices etc if a company is not based in the US too then?

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