Handling stale data needs to be considered when implementing it.
ORMs like Prisma execute an update query and follow it up with a select. This would result in stale data being returned most of the time. If you use this data expecting your update to be contained in it you are going to have a bad time (statemachines, etc.)
If you need sub-second live data, then yeah, you need to read from the primary. Most applications do not, and 1-2 seconds of potential lag are acceptable.
Interestingly Slack Workflows also introduces pricing. So it seems both companies are targeting charging for automations / charging for things which used to be free.
If they're like me: outside of a software update I only reboot when the machine is not responding, at which point hard reboot is faster and more robust. I recognize it's not ideal, but I also don't think it's reasonable for the system to ever get to a point where I should be wanting to restart to "fix" it - and I would think it is a serious bug if doing so ever corrupted the system or lost any "saved" data.
Linux Magic SysRq + R S E I V B key chord will immediately shut down while still properly flushing disk cache and such. A bit annoying to enter, but a handy tool to have in your toolbox.
That's not the right keys and not the right order to do that. You should not flush caches before you terminated as much processes as possible correctly. And you are rebooting at the end.
REISUB for a somewhat safe EMERGENCY reboot and O instead of B at the end for shutdown.
CargoLifter for me personally marks the beginning of the German Decline in Engineering. The reasons for why it failed are the same reasons why we have such large problems with infrastructure projects and are falling behind in innovative technology.
If I remember correctly, Cargolifter failed to have a straightforward loading and unloading method. The airship is designed to lift a certain amount of weight, which has to be replaced as soon as you dismount the cargo. Cargolifter used water which was transported to the destination site via trucks.
I only had a quick glance at the SkyLifter website, but I did not find any solution for that problem.
It seems surprising to me that there is not more information on the website regarding what gas this gas-filled lenticular-shaped aerostat thing is floating with. I understand they are aerostatic and the gas needs to be lighter than air, but that doesn't leave many options that are not helium I guess. And then in order to drop whatever they haul down, they'll need to either let it escape or contain it somewhere else, or spend energy at keeping it down somehow.
I have similar feelings about https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transrapid. At some point the whole project became too political and nobody wanted to be responsible to either push the project or pull the plug. Instead a ton of money was basically wasted.
The Camera Control API (CCAPI) which Canon provides is actually very good it allows our company to create software which grabs the pictures of the camera and put it where we like.
Because they "strongly believe Rust is the future of JS tooling." I'd agree honestly, I like Rust a lot more than Go. But that's a debate for another time.
Of course you should care about the language the tool was written in. As another example, 1Password is redoing their mac app in electron. Many are upset about this and concerned it will lead to worse performance. Solely because of the technology being used.
Similarly here, evaluating esbuild vs swc inherently involves comparing their capabilities, benefits, potential etc. A lot of that is informed by the language its written in.
I think if the goal is to be distinguishable, then only Beam (and maybe Bauhaus) meet that. To me at least, the different marbles are forgettable - if the goal of an avatar is to appear next to a name and help me realise it's the same person who also wrote that other post, or a different comment, or the OP, then they need to be individually distinct enough.
Beam definitely meets that criteria (there's nothing like faces to trigger your brain's distinguishing algorithm), and Bauhaus could do (although I'd add a few more colours into the mix, and maybe not use all of them in every avatar).
Faces for avatars are almost always better than other options. We humans are really good at recognising faces, even cartoony or abstract ones, which helps users remember other users by their avatars.
Some people are visually impaired or face-blind so this shouldn't be the sole means of identifying users, but for most of us, avatars are really important. There are people who I know from online fora that I haven't visited in years but I still remember exactly what their avatars looked like.
I have a few microcontroller projects scattered around that phone home to the watchdog server once a day. If one goes a day without phoning home, I get an email to go check it out :)