I barely looked at Adobe Reader so not sure about that one, it definitely does not work with this PDF though, likely because it's not compliant in several ways. Besides that I wouldn't be surprised if it supports all the required JS APIs and more, just possibly behind some permission prompts.
It might work in Foxit as I believe it supports some scripting. Most of the other native PDF renderers are more static, as far as I know. In either case, I was most interested in the browser-native engines, as I always thought of them as more "static"/limited.
As for documentation on specific features: to be honest, I just looked at the implementations of PDF.js and PDFium. Both only support a subset of the "standard" API, likely for security reasons. But PDF.js for example allows changing a field's background color (colored pixels!), and PDFium allows modifying their position/bounding box (I tried a high res color display by moving a row vertically as if it's a scanline, but things become quite laggy).
I got the same conclusions. Unless I misunderstood, Pdfium is based on Foxit so that should work. And as both pdf.js and pdfium decided to implement only a thin part of the adobe js sdk, then there are good chances that it works there too.
Original author here. This is indeed a bit confusing.
You are right for the case where Firefox's PDF.js is used (local or remote file in a tab or iframe). The XSS problem however is with web-applications that themselves use PDF.js. In that case, it does not run in a separate or special origin; that is a Firefox thing.
You are also right that the PDF format supports JavaScript, but that is something unrelated to this, and indeed highly sandboxed in all cases.
Great work! We had the same idea at the same time, here's my version of PDF Doom:
Source: https://github.com/thomasRinsma/pdfdoom
Playable here: https://th0mas.nl/downloads/doom.pdf
Yours is neater in many ways though!