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Look into making your app a Progressive Web Application (PWA). PWAs run in/on both desktop and mobile Chrome based browsers which dominate the web. And depending on use case (e.g. single-user apps or games) PWAs can be setup to run completely offline further emulating "native" mobile apps.

Just 2 of several PWA benefits: - You can publish and host PWAs almost anywhere. No playstore required. But the option to go the playstore route remains open to you as playstores do accept PWAs. - Done right a single code base, because it runs in the browser, just works on desktops and mobiles, while you still have the ability to modify app behavior based on the platform you can detect at run time.

You are the second person to emphasize the difficulties of working with the App Store and Play Store.

To be honest, I hadn't heard of PWAs, I'll definitely have to study the information about it.

As I understood from your explanation, this is something that will work on both web and mobile platforms. Is it some kind of React Native? If we talk about the stack.

> Is it some kind of React Native?

No! It is built using native web browser components, HTML/JSS/CSS. But with projects like PWABuilder you can deploy to Android, iOS and other platforms. Much better than React Native! (but your app will run on a browser, native apps have way more APIs).

Surge pricing might work OK for a high-end restaurant where there is little to no nearby competition. Though I prefer the "reservations suggested" model where the customers' experiences and the restaurant's resources are more effectively managed.

As for fast food joints, where a competitor might literally be located one parking lot away, if I'm that competitor the first thing I will do is put up a banner on the brick-mortar site, and on the our website, that proudly states:

We NEVER do surge pricing!

Any bets on where (which driveway or website) the price conscious fast foodies turn to to place their orders?

As for platform integration Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are browser based apps with an underlying reusable javascript framework. PWAs can get pretty close to "native" Android, IOS, and desktop apps that can be used in a web browser and/or installed and if appropriate run completely offline.

I've had good results with a PWA that - with the same code and content - runs on the MS Edge browser (desktop) and on Android Chrome and Samsung web browsers(mobile). Haven't tried on IOS.

No play stores involved, though, if you want, play stores do accept PWAs.

PWAs may not be the answer to everything but I believe they're a start.

Did a Find on the word "exercise" in the article and comments. Result: Not Found.

With the right series of prompts and criteria ChatGPT could probably whip up an effective virtual nanny.

I've thought about this but the problem is it has to be able to poke me in a way I can't ignore

It seems plausible to add penalties of some sort that make me take it seriously but hard for me to align it in a way that handles edge cases well

Hilarious and sad at the same time. All too accurate take on how hard-up so many of the people who put this stuff on the internet are. Author, bravo.

Very cool, beautiful. I did a kids toy kind of thing like this using Unity for Android taking input from the handheld's accelerometer to make a sphere (ball) roll around (according to how the handheld device is tilted) and bump into targets.

As regards to "the water should eventually stand still" I found the accelerometer input to be sooo sensitive that even when you placed the handheld on a level surface (sussed out with a carpenter level) the sphere would slow down a lot but never stop moving.

A glass of water placed on a table eventually stops moving - according to our senses. But does it really?

Here comes WRaaS (WatermarkRemoval as a ...)

Thank you. I'll try it with an open source Android based interactive comic book/game I'm developing.

My apologies. Corrected link: https://bobkoto.github.io/bob-site/

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