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This made me laugh a lot — something I really needed right now, more than I realized. Thank you :)

For the uninitiated: it’s a play on words of people shouting “WORLD STAR!!!” while a viral video is being filmed hoping the video will be featured on a site of the same name. The site and the videos are pretty unpleasant but it is part of internet culture and in no way detracts from StrongBad536’s far more wholesome pun.

It sort of ranks as the same kind of wholesome-silliness based on underlying-darkness as this image, re: a certain turn-of-the-century website whose name included the word “goat” and ended in .cx:


That transformer circuit won't give any clue to those who don't remember hello.jpg (Or was it giver.jpg? I don't remember) but for me it sent me back two decades. I actually found HN during the beta debacle.

It became such a meme Childish Gambino made a song about it


*punches you*

Tin foil hat theory - they were waiting for training data from their deal with Apple to train GPT-5.

Good, I don't go to a restaurant to sit on my phone, I go to converse with my party. Don't make me stare at the little death screen any more than I have to.

Anyway back to my 10 hours of staring at a bigger death screen all day ;)

Phrase of the year: "little death screen." Love it!

Do current smart phones support this? I can't imagine Apple being too keen on allowing this sort of thing. No idea about Android

The bill authorize it using any technical means, specifically mentioning using classified methods («prescrire le recours au moyens de l'État soumis au secret de la défense nationale»)

Apple and Google can do remote updates to your device, so they could be forced to implement it if it's not already possible

I recently saw a green dot on the right corner during camera usage on android. Probably a (new) feature of android.

Unless the light is physically connected to the power line of the camera sensor (and most aren't), it's useless as an indicator of covert camera usage - the spyware can just not turn it on.

Not on Android devices, but wasn't this what Apple said they did for Macbooks? That the light indicates power is going to the camera, and cannot be bypassed?

What's infuriating is that it would be trivial to make it linked to the same power supply in hardware. It's obviously done that way on purpose.

The privacy indicator on iPhones is just a green dot on the display. I don't think that's really possible to link to the same power supply. It'd have to be a separate light like on MacBooks.

(Thankfully MacBooks do at least physically disconnect the microphones if you close the lid.)

It could be independent of the OS software if it were a design goal (e.g. in safety-critical applications you sometimes have display controllers that have dedicated hardware layers for important indicators that are driven independently of the main display feed, something Apple could easily replicate given their level of integration)

And of course it doesn't have to be on the display, given they already have a cutout island in the display where they could place such a thing.

> (Thankfully MacBooks do at least physically disconnect the microphones if you close the lid.)

What is the mechanism for this? It seems like this would be a software system.

The green dot is meant as a privacy indicator - it tells you when something (camera, maybe mic?) is on. It doesn't relate to "remote" activation, and presumably would turn on in all circumstances.

Even if they don’t support this, this could authorize snoops to hack into your devices so they start supporting it.

Apple only care about privacy in their speech... They are good politicians.

Zerodium has entered the chat

Apple will be the first to implement this, as history shows.

The Apple sycophants really never stop here, do they?

oh to be a microwave on that email chain

I haven't used it yet but we utilize instacart in our household, I'll be very eager to see if I can feed it a few URLs for recipes i'd like to cook in the week, intelligently collect and organize the ingredients (and their proper amounts) needed, add it to an instacart account order where I approve the final list, and order.

It would save me a pretty manual repetitive task I do most weeks at least once or twice. If I can now basically just focus on the planning of meals by selecting recipes, that will feel like a real time saver that I can now do other things with.

I don't know if you are on a mac - the but app Paprika works really well for the first part of this.

O_o....I did not know that, I'll have to try it out. Thanks for the tip!

I can second paprika. Its browser tool to search and save recipes is fantastic. It has some other tooling around pantry management that I’ve been meaning to try as well but even just the ability to put in a url and parse a recipe is absolutely worth the $5 on iOS.

- Techmeme Ride Home (https://www.ridehome.info/show/techmeme-ride-home/)

- Brad and Will Made a Tech Pod (https://techpod.content.town/)

- Pivot (https://podcasts.voxmedia.com/show/pivot)

- The Vergecast (https://podcasts.voxmedia.com/show/the-vergecast)

- Decoder (https://podcasts.voxmedia.com/show/decoder-with-nilay-patel)

- Daily Tech News Show (https://dailytechnewsshow.com/)

- Hard Fork (Casey Newton of Platformer and Kevin Roose) (https://www.nytimes.com/column/hard-fork)

Going more specifically into Software

- Frontend Happy Hour (Ryan Burgess from Netflix and other smart SWEs/managers) (https://www.frontendhappyhour.com/)

- Screaming in the Cloud (Corey Quinn) (https://www.lastweekinaws.com/podcast/screaming-in-the-cloud...)

- Syntax FM (https://syntax.fm/)

I've got a music library with timestamps for created dates being >12 years ago (2011) but some of the files likely date back to ~2002 or 2003 when I was pirating stuff with Napster on my dad's PC and have been transferred from filesystem to backups back to filesystems... so on and so on, from grade/middle/high school to college and now adult life.

At some point keeping your files and directories organized becomes a part of your workflow (can likely be automated after an initial hump of tagging songs correctly), such that you can move between music applications with minimal work.

I've settled on still using MediaMonkey (now on version 5) locally on my windows machine, that has its local Music folder stored in dropbox. I then have a linux server in my basement that does an `rclone sync` job nightly going from dropbox to the server's local filesystem on pair of HDDs in a ZFS mirror pool. The server then runs plex locally, which I can access on just about any type of client with the PlexAmp app. There some valid reasons to not like plex, but one thing it does well is it doesn't modify the metadata of your files themselves, and you can set it to prefer the file metadata over its autofetched metadata for your albums.

Essentially if you keep your files and dirs cleanly organized from the get-go, it's pretty easy to then go try out other apps/services (free or OSS) that fit your needs. Some purists will tell you to use Foobar2K or Winamp, which I believe are still viable options. But that said, I think just ensuring your files stand the test of time will be more important than your application of choice you use to consume them.

We switched from Geico recently to a new insurance carrier as well because of how expensive our new rate was going to be.

Likely time to go check on a comparison site for a better rate. Sometimes Geico can try to match that if you have a new quote at a lower price, or you can just switch.

Disclosure: I work at Clearcover (https://app.clearcover.com/apply), the company my wife and I switched to, but I don't think anyone would argue with a $500/6mo rate to a $180/6mo rate (employee is discount is ~5%).

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