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> And did I say that the Logstashes and Promtails and Vectors and what not pipeline tools with their Grok etc. filters feel like somebody wanted to really make busywork cool.

The worst part about Promtail/Vector is that you have to write code in YAML. Why.

Vector at least supports TOML, not just YAML [0]

that, plus having support for built-in support for "unit testing" processing pipelines [1] are two features that made me immediately want to ditch our existing Promtail configs and switch to Vector.

0: https://vector.dev/docs/reference/configuration/#formats

1: https://vector.dev/docs/reference/configuration/unit-tests/

> Worried about climate change? In the 1980s it was nuclear war.

Nuclear war didn't happen. Climate change is happening. Pretty key difference!

If nuclear war happened, and there was no way for us to know whether it would happen, there was nothing we could do to survive the event.

While climate change is happening, there is still a lot we can do to slow it down and mitigate its effects, both individually and collectively.

> While climate change is happening, there is still a lot we can do to slow it down and mitigate its effects

Not to disagree with your general point but one of the most frustrating things about climate change is knowing how much we could do, while seeing how little hope we actually have of making those changes.

Yes, at the time it seemed like something that might happen tomorrow. You had TV movies like "The Day After" and constant discussion of it in school and in the media. It was a real fear.

Ingmar Bergman's Winter Light (1963) has somebody in Sweden becoming depressed and withdrawn due to anxiety over China developing an atomic bomb. Then in 1982 Prince sang "everybody's got the bomb, we could all die any day". That's two decades of continual anxiety about sudden obliteration (or worse, near obliteration).

When did Reagan take Carter's solar panels off the White House roof, again?

The solar panels that Carter installed were nearly useless, given poor 1970s technology. It was performative, showing that he was interested in doing something to handle the oil crisis, even if it was futile. And Regan's removal of them was likewise performative, signaling that there no longer was an oil crisis.

Carter's installation was actually then the latest in a long line of interested advocates who pushed for American adoption of not a particular device or system, but solar technology as a whole; his panels were better than what came before and worse than what came after, and might have prompted enhanced development, if not for the course history took.

Reagan, on the other hand, was one in a long line of what I like to call "Powerful White Men Whose Irrational Beliefs and/or Reckless Actions Ruined Millions of Lives", alongside the likes of Hoyt Hottel, an MIT chemical engineering professor who co-founded the Combustion Institute and who was somehow allowed to head (and thwart) MIT's solar engineering research efforts. (CEO Jack Welch, welfare reformer Larry Townsend, chemist Thomas Midgley, Jr, and urban planner Robert Moses are also on that list.)

I just think your scope is unnecessarily limited, I suppose.

Not a fan of Reaganomics, and people like Midgley are hard to defend, but I think you have the wrong idea of Hottel. Hottel basically invented solar energy as we know it in the 1930s -- he wasn't some guy trying to subvert it. There's a reason that the highest honor the American Solar Energy Society gives out is called the Hoyt Clarke Hottel Award.

And The Combustion Institute (which was founded in 1954, well after Hottel's solar breakthroughs) isn't the sinister thing you think it is. It's not about cars and their internal combustion, but about combustion science -- the science of fire.

Hottel expressed both explicit bias against solar research and implicit bias against one of his charges, who was actually a much more natural advocate for the technology ( https://www.uspto.gov/learning-and-resources/journeys-innova...). He headed MIT's solar research efforts, for sure, but again, I find this strange, since so many of his decisions reflected an undue skepticism for someone in that position. What a coup for his apparent ambitions that his name is on so many of the institutions whose purposes he stunted from the most advantageous perch imaginable: "leading" them.

Ultimately, he was a true advocate for combustion-based heating (solar also being focused on that rather than electricity generation through mid-century), which lead to the national status quo of high levels of airborne pollutants both indoors and in the environment, as well as the ever-present threat of one's domicile or business detonating with little notice. But, you know, worth it since hydrocarbons are cheaper. /s I apologize for the snark, but the way people like this get the benefit of the doubt in retrospect is quite frustrating. They made the world we were born into worse, and they did it on purpose (or negligently), for specious reasons. Fixing their mistakes means acknowledging that they sucked.

I don't get it. The answer seems to be 1986. What do you mean?

That climate anxiety has existed at least as long.

The solar panels (and the famous sweater Carter wore when turning down the White House thermostat in winter) wasn't done out of climate anxiety though. This was done because of the oil crisis (at the time the US was more dependent than now on Mideast oil and their organization OPEC raised the price dramatically leading to shortages in the US).

Again, that doesn't tell the whole story. As we've discussed, solar research predates the episode by quite a long time, and Carter's efforts were not just about the energy crisis, but also about setting the foundation for future pro-environmental efforts (which were not necessarily about climate change at the time, but that certainly bled into those concerns later on). Your characterization seems to try to make Reagan's later actions seem more rational, when they very well may not have been based on anything but his disdain for his predecessor and his policies. We don't really know.


That nuclear war deal sounds way too good. Can't do anything about it? Well you don't have to worry then, since the inverse is also true. I.e. you don't have to do anything.

The thing is, it is not about what you can do, it is about what you must do. Emphasis on must. You must, but you don't, hence the guilt.

Rich Americans can buy a Tesla, solar panels, heat pump and give up meat, and feel like they’re making a difference.

But there’s several billion people without those options. Who’d all love to consume like rich Americans if they had the chance.

> That is despite Kotlin now having a stable native compiler.

K/N for desktop platforms exists basically in name only. The runtime is too slow, the ecosystem simply doesn't exist, and you have to go through the C interop layer (which was marked entirely unstable in a point release, breaking everything!!!!) to do things such as I/O which lacks any sort of resource management (making it trivial to e.g. leak sockets everywhere).

This could get better over time. Most of the native community seems focused on mobile. But if this is ever addressed, Kotlin could emerge as an alternative to things like Go and other statically compiled languages. It's early days for native. There are similar challenges with wasm support; particularly the wasmWasi target.

> They may have popped their clogs, long ago,

Nearly every single star we can see in the entire Laniakea supercluster is still shining today.

The universe is big, but stars live for a really long time.

> still shining today

It's an interesting quirk of these discussions of events at relativistic scales that it's very hard to precisely speak about what we mean whenever we reference time.

For all of us "here", who are within non-relativistic distance of each other, "today" is a meaningful point in time. But what does our "today" mean for that far-away star? I think you are trying to articulate that, if the star is X light years away from us, after X years from "today" we will still be receiving light that has traveled from the star to "here". But you might instead mean that if a traveller were to depart from "here" "today" at near relativistic speed, when he arrives at the star he will find it still shining "there" at "that time".

But notice those are definitely not the same data point about the star. The first data point will arrive here in X years to show us the star was still shining X years previously. But the traveler will collect the second data point (almost immediately for himself, by the way) and may find the star dead. This can happen if he and the star's last light cross paths in flight.

My favorite thing along these lines is a question from my undergrad special relativity textbook:

A pole vaulter carrying a 40m pole is running at a speed such that to an observer, he appears contracted by ½. He runs through a barn of length 20m and the doors at each end of the barn are closed simultaneously.

But to the pole vaulter, the barn appears contracted by ½ and thus appears to be 10m long to him. What does he see when the doors are closed?

Of course, just by virtue of context in this discussion, the answer is kind of given away.

> It's an interesting quirk of these discussions of events at relativistic scales that it's very hard to precisely speak about what we mean whenever we reference time.

No it isn't. This is a stupid psued talking point.

Depends on what type of star.

The only stars that have never been observed to die, are red dwarfs.

I think blue giants are the shortest-lived ones.

Ours is in the middle. I think they give the Sun about four billion more years.

BTW: That was a rhetorical statement. The issue is, we don't actually know what's going on, today.

> More non-hydrogen elements in it's spectrograph, then we know it's an older generation of stars.

It's actually the exact opposite, but yes.

Yes thank you, got it backwards

Even in the light polluted London you can still see it, even if it's faint.

From the ground I cannot see it (I'm a bit north of london latitude wise so it should be better), and we have nicely combination of areas of greenhouses and petrochemical companies burning off here so it might be far worse than central london unfortunately. I'm not too high up but my view north is quite ok ... and unnatural orangeish and void of any pink.

Devops guys are mostly incapable of using any service that isn't a) written in Go and b) configured using a YAML-based DSL.

Traefik's YAML does a particularly bad job at keeping syntax (such as it is) separate from user-defined labels, I feel.

Very difficult to just look at a file and see which bits are labels for the sake of it, and which bits are direct instructions to builtin features.

> and b) configured using a YAML-based DSL.

Go devops HATE YAML-based DSL we just put it there cause there’s not alternatives, json ?, don’t wanna go there fortunately there’s CUE lang but moving all these project to accept cue isn’t that easy either.

> Devops guys are mostly incapable of using any service that isn't a) written in Go

Lol we basically rewrite it in Go if we’re using it frequently. Most Go projects are just things the founder really wanted for himself

His manifesto is crying about SJWs 40 years before the concept existed. There's nothing insightful in there at all.

Yeah that part is weird. He did clarify later on that it wasnt meant to just be them but more of an example of over socialisation.

27 years in the slammer to clear up some ideas means there is A LOT of additional reading material from him in form of letters, essays and books.

It seems the longer he thought about it the more he could not find a path to stop technology progress but figured we just need to ride through it until collapse, if that happens.

I think we both agree that the people now who cry about SJWs are not particulary insightful or interesting.

But you equating his manifesto to that makes me think you didn't read it, or at least didn't do so with an intent on understanding it. There are millions of shallow/lazy summaries online, so if you read a summary or blog post about it, you've done yourself and the text a disservice.

It's the very much not "crying about" what he calls "leftists" which I'm guessing you are translating into "SJWs," particularly in the current sense. He goes into significant analytical detail about why he thinks what he thinks. You also have to consider his background and experiences, from being severely isolated/deprived of human contact as a child due to the medical advice of the day, to his experience as a rare math prodigy and one of the youngest professors. From wikipedia[1]:

> In late 1967, the 25-year-old Kaczynski became an acting assistant professor at the University of California, Berkeley, where he taught mathematics. He assumed the position as the youngest assistant professor in the history of the university.

Think about the different environment that was than today! This was the late 60's. Leftists then were very different than they are now, and he was at Berkeley. If you're unaware, there was a significant cultural development going on at Berkeley in the late 60s. Further[1]:

> Without any explanation, Kaczynski resigned on June 30, 1969.[35] In a 1970 letter written by John W. Addison Jr., the chairman of the mathematics department, to Kaczynski's doctoral advisor Shields, Addison referred to the resignation as "quite out of the blue".[37][38] He added that "Kaczynski seemed almost pathologically shy", and that, as far as he knew, Kaczynski made no close friends in the department, noting that efforts to bring him more into the "swing of things" had failed.

This period undoubtedly had a huge impact on his life, and not considering this when evaluating his text is a mistake IMHO. Also there is so much more depth to this than what I've said here, but I'm unfortunately out of time for the moment.

[1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ted_Kaczynski

Don't caree, not reading.

There's already an extremely active neofetch fork called Hyfetch.


These utilities are mostly not tools designed around being maximally functional, they are there to create some fun stuff to fill up a terminal when you show your system off. The whole point is to make a statement. For some people, they want to make a statement that includes something about their gender or sexuality, so they’ve got a fork for that.

There’s a big lgbtq+ tech community, because you can explore this stuff online more easily (people can connect and talk about it, the internet can be anonymous or pseudonymous, and there’s less risk of physical violence). So, these identities are wrapped up for lots of people—maybe not for you and me, but surely you can see that they are for other people, right?

Didn't I say that already? I did. In fact, that makes up about 40% of the comment now I look back.

It’s weird to me to see someone write an entire essay about the atrocity of seeing gasp rainbows in their free OSS tool they chose to download and use.

It’s 7 colors. Just get over it. Or fork it and move on with your life.

Just like you might not appreciate seeing people celebrate their identity, others might not appreciate a bigoted diatribe in their morning reading.

Why do you assume I have a problem with colors or lgbtq+

What exactly do you imagine I need to "get over"?

Where did I say anything about people shouldn't celebrate their identity?

You wrote an entire essay about it, starting with calling it weird, and then going on and complaining about it ad nauseam. You made your thoughts quite clear.

Apparently, I did not.


“Shoved down your throat” is an interesting way to describe software that you chose to download from someone else, which is clearly labeled as containing pro-LGBT imagery and messaging. It’s like picking up a library book about cats, which says on the cover, “Also contains much about the history of abortion law”, then complaining that it’s being “shoved down your throat”. Put the book down.

> But what makes me really upset is this completely unexplainable need to make everything part of one particular init system. There is absolutely no reason to tie your new sudo replacement to systemd. Absolutely none.

The systemd developers are tying it to systemd because they are systemd developers. If somebody else made something like this, it wouldn't be tied to systemd. But somebody else hasn't made something like this.

Sudo isn't going to just go away (unfortunately). You can keep using your CVE-ridden setuid binary as much as you want.

userv has been around for decades


But userv requires code to be written specifically to work with userv, even for seemingly simple tasks as reading files.

See 6.6 Error handling and input streams (eg stdin) on https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~ian/userv/spec.html/ch-n...

systemd's run0 on the other hand doesn't require code to be written specifically to work with it.

noting I have been recommended doas as a more lightweight version of sudo so other people are trying to do this kind of thing

>The systemd developers are tying it to systemd because they are systemd developers.

What? Literally every single other group of software developers has managed to create two projects. Even Microsoft can do it.

GNU didn't. Why should Systemd?

You can use almost any GNU project without depending on all the other GNU projects.

This is different from Systemd how? You can't use any GNU project without depending on GNU libc (except glibc itself, trivially).

> You can't use any GNU project without depending on GNU libc.

Of course you can. Unless they're depending on non-standard parts of libc, you can use any GNU project with other libc implementations (musl, dietlibc, ulibc etc).

That is not true. I use gnu tools compiled with musl libc.

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