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last time I drank half a can of diet soda, about 2 months ago, I was in pain for a week because of aspartame. every single time I take it's like that. it's the same with most artificial sugars.

I want to say one of those was originally made to induce diarrhea. I can't eat them either.

it makes me poop funny

we are addicted to convenience and ease


that's part of it, but even fit people are often lazy and crave convenience

what a bizarre guy, I would not have expected that

It's amazing to see what 'right-wing' parties/politicians used to promote in the past vs now.

I've seen their clothes at Goodwill as well, tons of brand new stuff with tags still on them. silly thing is the price was nearly the same

Sometime started a fire in a backyard fire pit, IN my local target. Due to smoke damage, they donated almost the entire store inventory to the local goodwill, who in turn (based on my past experience volunteering there) probably threw 90% of it away.

if you can channel this okay-with-boredom attitude into something productive you can be super productive. I don't think everyone can do it but I feel like it's definitely true of some people.

>In practice I have heard on podcasts based in places like Washington and California where hosts say they almost can't leave their home without being hit in the face with the stink of weed.

that's some severe hyperbole. you'll probably smell it on the bus if you use the bus, but weird smells are part of riding the bus. I rarely smell it at the grocery store unless someone's carrying flower in an unsealed package, it's pretty obvious in those cases

> but weird smells are part of riding the bus

They don't have to be — this is an American phenomenon.

Hahaahahahahahahah no. No it bloody isn’t mate. Jesus. Hahahaah. What a hilarious comment. Well done!

couldn't that be said of farts?

I can't smell my neighbor's farts from inside my house.

Cigarette or weed smoke, though, is very noticeable and it tends to linger. To the point that I avoid opening certain windows because someone 30ft from it likes to smoke on his balcony.

I can't smell a fart inside my apartment from someone on the other end of the parking lot, but apparently with weed smoke I can.

my manager from Atlassian used to fart a lot, standing by his desk. He even had no hesitation, it wasn't once or twice. I was wondering why nobody was willing to sit next to him when I just joined. I've learnt it the hard way. He moved now to Australia fortunately!

how many minutes can you fart for? I didn't think so either..

use latex, and if it's big enough, back it with fiberglass. that seems to be the common way to make molds on youtube

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