Also, the linked reddit thread contains no concrete evidence of the alleged privacy breach in the title. This may be a candidate for re-titling / removal.
I'm in the same boat as you, but taking it a step further, I'm completely blind to the first 1/3rd of google search results. The first 3 are already ads, and then there's the "quick info" card on most searches. I've subconsciously trained myself to just flat out skip over those results.
So in my case, I don't know that an ad blocker really even helps me on google, because I'm ignoring those first results anyway.
Yup, skip all sponsored and ad content. I do the same on Amazon and ebay - even when the advertised product is _exactly_ what I want, and the best price available, I refuse to purchase from a sponsored listing.
> Are you using Pihole to block ads at a network level, but not also using a browser extension to block them at the client?
A lot of Pihole users don't bother with browser extensions. In extension-only use cases, these results would just not show up. With Pihole, you have to copy and paste the URL and just enter directly in the browser. It's not like a huge roadblock.
In case you're interested in finding out the exact age of your Microsoft account: A few years ago I opened a support ticket with Microsoft about how old my account was and they were able to tell me the date my account was created. In my case, it was 22nd June 1998.
While attempting to help a family member register for an account on this credit/finance company, I noticed that amongst the password requirements was this statemant:
" We do not accept automatically generated passwords from IOS / Android"
What would be the reason for that?
It may be relevant that Creation Finance are known as a bottom-feeder type credit agency preying on people who have bad credit history. I am assuming that anything they require of their customers is somehow a dark pattern but I can't figure out what it might be here.
Still got my “Webmaster” business cards from the late 90s. No one will ever understand how “cool” it was to have that title back then. Now even I cringe when looking at them but so many good memories.