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Terminal Velocity and Fury3 before it...

The cloud is optional and you have a root SSH access to the tablet. It's possible to impl. your own service for syncing or just sync via SSH with scripts.

They don’t want a solution. They want to hate on a corporation.

Seems a lot better than some of the ones in the post

> How do you deal with Microsoft's crap on a daily basis?

I'm still using Windows 7 for specific Visual Studio 2019 developments where I must code. Most of times I'm under Debian.

For Windows specific build-only machine I use the free Hyper-V Server installation with OpenSSH installed via powershell and Add-WindowsCapability. I'ts one of the best Windows IMHO because there is nothing installed.

I've a certificate whish is valid until 2022 (valid for 5 years) (generated in 2017 after paied 100$). I distribute only free games (GPLv3) that I sign with this certificate. For Catalina, I can't notarize because I don't pay each year (my certificate is valid then it's useless to pay and I distribute only free softwares)... But I'm fucked by Apple for the notarization.

It's too expansive to pay just to distribute games that will be even refused probably on the app store because it's GPL.

Apple is just killing freedom and continue to take advantage of free softwares (free developers) on BSD, mach kernel, a lot of unix tools... even on projects started by Apple like LLVM Apple takes all advantages of all third contributions.

FWIW, Apple doesn't care if apps being distributed contain code licensed under the GPL. They care whether you have the appropriate rights to distribute the app on their store under their terms - and that is asserted by you.

A previous build of VLC was pulled from the store because someone claimed they had copyright on some of the code - because they did not want VLC in the store.

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