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Fiction: Independent People by Halldór Laxness or Children of Time by Adrian Tchaikovsky.

Non-Fiction: The Feynman lectures on Physics.

> I'm surprised there aren't trackers on all cars already, like a 21st century license plate.

Are you referring to a state or government tracker on every vehicle? If so, it seems like you're implying that's a good idea. If that's the case, I hope there's some joke in here I'm missing.

License plate readers (LPR) are common in cities and on motorways in UK; there are “Average Speed” zones where the LPR is accomplished by cameras mounted on overhead gantries spanning miles. Speeding tickets can be issued automatically if you break the speed limit between gantries. It’s always been weird to me the US doesn’t do this and often requires a trooper to pull you over and give you a written ticket. Note that not all motorways have this in UK, but those which do, you don’t see anywhere near as much excessive speed.

LPR is also used in UK by the Driver and Vehicle License Agency (DVLA) to oversee taxation of vehicles. No more “tabs” or license discs to display in your front window, it’s all LPR these days.

LPR databases are queryable by the security services and law enforcement — there are enough cameras in cities your location can be pinned down to “within a few streets”.


This isn’t a tracker on every vehicle but it’s pretty equivalent for drivers who don’t live in the middle of nowhere where LPR may only be deployed in major towns.

It sounds frankly dystopian, and I hope that this never comes to my country.

The government has no business tracking the movements of its citizens outside of an active criminal investigation and only then within well defined paramaters.

It does feel like a very stereotypically American view to be absolutely aghast at the idea of the government tracking the location of cars while being entirely permissive of private companies doing the same and reselling that data to anyone and everyone that wants it (including the government, ironically)

Disabling government technology is a crime. Interfering with third party data collection efforts is my absolute right. These are not the same things.

In most (if not all?) parts of the US you are legally required to display a license plate and to not obscure it — those tinted covers you see people use are both a “Pull me over if you’re not otherwise busy!” to a lot of State Troopers (at least according to those that I occasionally shoot with on a pistol range), and ineffective outside nighttime (they reflect the IR emitter, but those often aren’t on in daylight).

So, how are you “interfering with third party data collection efforts”, while also meeting your legal requirements (government) obligations to display an unobscured and valid license plate on the vehicle, given the conversation is about ALPR/ANPR and where the tracking is a camera which reads the license plate?

That doesn't really sound like a right and if it is you probably signed it away when you bought the car.

And that company is free to fight that battle in civil court whereas the government will haul you into criminal court. Pretty big difference.

I'm not cool with private companies tracking my location either, outside of specific scenarios where I've given express permission.

This country absolutely needs stronger consumer protections.

> It’s always been weird to me the US doesn’t do this and often requires a trooper to pull you over and give you a written ticket.

Very different cultures. The US is still a culture of personal accountability and freedom. If you aren't hurting anyone you can do as you please. The UK skews toward rules for the sake of rules. Sadly the US is also moving in that direction, but mercifully still trails the UK.

You are right, it's very much a culture thing.

On the US side its very "individual good" focus, whereas in the UK (and Europe in general) its more "community good" focused.

This may be partly a function of density- with higher density comes more human interaction in a smaller space.

The US also had a long period of no, or minimal govt, over very wide areas. This lead to a culture of personal security etc (think Westerns with people carrying guns).

Most Americans see govt at best as a necessary evil, who is actively working "against my interest." Whereas most Europeans see govt as an effective way to "promote community interest". (I'm referencing govt as a concept here, not as a political or party construct. In other words you might be against the people currently in govt, but still appreciate that there should be a govt.)

I don’t agree with your stereotype of Americans. We very much believe in our institutions.

It's the long tail of free speech. You can't stop someone from publishing information about how to defeat such a device. It would become common knowledge very quickly and would be used easily by criminals with specialized toolsets available on several different levels of marketplace.

In the UK, you can much more easily wrap all that up, and deny existence to those markets and even to import of that equipment.

And it's beyond culture. The UK holds an active monarchy and a hereditary house of parliament. The citizen simply does not have the same status and is unavoidably a "subject."

Hereditary peerage was ended with the House of Lords Act 1999.

I don't know anything about UK law, but apparently the act still allows for 92 hereditary peers[1], and indeed:

"The most recent grant of a hereditary peerage was in 2019 for the youngest child of Elizabeth II, Prince Edward"[2]

[1] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/House_of_Lords_Act_1999

[2] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hereditary_peer

I was specifically referring to hereditary peerage in the House of Lords, which was almost completely done away with. At around 13% of members, the chamber is largely no longer a chamber of hereditary peers. Hereditary peerage and hereditary peerage participation in the house of lords are separate. There are around 800 hereditary peers, but since 1999, only 92 of these hereditary titles have a spot in the house of lords. The hereditary peerage granted to Prince Edward is not one of the 92 hereditary peerages in the House of Lords, so it doesn't allow him participation.

Found this while scouring this list of HTTP status codes, because I wanted to make sure I was giving appropriate responses in this web API I'm developing.

Its rather funny, isnt it. But I wonder what the context is. Why they added it.

It was added as a joke, and kept because (according to https://save418.com)

> “It's a reminder that the underlying processes of computers are still made by humans”

Stupid reason imo. Adding childish humor to a protocol seems like harmless fun until you remember how much of a mess network protocols, and their specs, and their implementation is. Maybe you think a 418 error page is funny, but I think you’ll appreciate it a lot less when your application gets a rather confounding error because some service provider wanted to remind you that the underlying processes of computers are still made by humans, rather than implement the actually correct response.

/me slaps AmericanChopper around a bit with a large trout


That’s trout abuse.

It's (presumably) more humane than whipping some llama ass.

I thought it was handling fish under discuss m suspicious circumstances.


Nope, it's still funny, we're keeping it.

I promise that knowing it’s supposed to be a joke is _not_ going to make you less frustrated if you ever end up having to debug a non-descriptive 418 error. To make it worse the description and the error code aren’t even consistent. 4xx is a client error, but your web server being a teapot is definitely a server side problem.

No, it should be a client error. The error is intended to be returned when a client has asked a teapot to perform a coffeepot-only operation - which is obviously a mistake on the client side.

This makes it similar to 405 Method Not Allowed, 406 Not Acceptable, or 426 Upgrade Required.

Sure, but I’ve actually had to debug a few 418 errors on production workloads, and none of them involved teapot services. Knowing that the implementers of the error thought it was a hilarious joke certainly didn’t make the experience more fun.

Nope, it’s still unfunny, it should have been deleted then and there. In fact, it has.

No, it's a great canary in the coal mine. Anyone who doesn't implement proper handling of 418 gets their general error handling facilities tested (4xx).

What is the correct way to handle a 418? As if it were a 500? A 400? A 403? A 404? A 429?…

418 is a class 4xx error, which means the client erred and shouldn't repeat the request as-is. That is, any unrecognized error beginning with a 4 must be handled as if it were the base error class, 400, "Bad Request".

> the server cannot or will not process the request due to something that is perceived to be a client error (for example, malformed request syntax, invalid request message framing, or deceptive request routing).

Must be fun at parties


Started off as an April's fools joke, people liked it enough to keep it in.

It was an April Fools Joke

Getting the probe out there is no doubt indeed remarkable in its own right, but to build it resilient enough to remain communicative at this distance, after all this time in such hostile environment, along with the foresight that enables these lifetime measures to be taken almost a half century later, makes it all more remarkable, and to think all this accrued knowledge and ingenuity being generalized from things like chipping flint axes.

At my company (not finance, and never gotten sued), documents are ephemeral primarily due to GDPR reasons.

Many of them contain various personal data of clients and/or employees, legal makes us specify for how long each service needs to hold on to it, and purge as soon as possible to minimize chance of leaks.

It’s a funny intersection of hold requirements. Litigation and one set of compliance requires holding records for at least this much time, GDPR and other such things require keeping records no more than some particular time. I haven’t seen the case when the intersection is an empty interval. But I imagine then one would choose to justify breaking one of the least important ones.

GDPR Article 6, 1(c):

> Processing shall be lawful […] if […] processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject;

Ah perfect. Thanks for the reference.

It's where being able to have strong guarantees about how customer data is being used becomes critical.

I'm required to keep evidence about your KYC information and your financial transactions for compliance purposes for (e.g.) 7 years after you stop doing business with me. If I'm using them for that purpose I'd be in the clear GDPR-wise.

However, the day I break off doing business with you I need to stop using them for marketing or sales leads - that would be a GDPR breach.

Where I suspect it will get very messy for companies is the sexy new "hoover all the data into ML models" is going to come a GDPR cropper because I doubt most of the people doing it can show that they purged it when their relationship with the data owner ended, if they even had one in the first place. They're sure as fuck violating copyrights all over the place.

Simpler for who? In my opinion it makes for a simpler reader experiencer to at least have properly formatted quotes, bullet lists and links.

Simpler for the implementors.

Also simpler mentally when writing comments: this handful of markup is supported, period: just write a plain text comment, to show as plain text, no fancy formatting encouraged.

If you happen to speak Icelandic (whopping 0.004% chance!), I recently made a clone of this game to learn NextJS: https://skrafl.rkl.is/

2 biggest differences being:

- Unlimited playing requires no registration.

- The answer keys are not just chilling there in the source code.

I assume its written in C#? Can I ask which .NET framework/library you used?

Of course. It is indeed a C# (WPF) application that started as .NET6 during development but eventually migrated to .NET7 as it came out shortly before I published it.

Is there any infrastructure out there to limit or securely monitor what apps or features are enabled on company/institution mobile devices? Or are we for the most part in a "we expect you not to do this or that" era?

I used to work for a small institution a while back (not USA), they used a Word file of approved apps, authored by a non-IT employee. Their whole idea of InfoSec was equivalent to taping a water balloon to a steering wheel and calling it an airbag. Can't imagine the situation is much better in most other places. Scary really.

Any serious corp will have some kind of MDM deployed: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mobile_device_management This can be used for various purposes - making a list of allowed apps, restricting internet / configuring VPN, enforcing auth methods, remote wiping the device, etc.

What type of file was the export? Did it include one or multiple tables of data? What tools did you use to analyze it? Just asking out of random curiosity.

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