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OK, the two hardest things in CS are naming things, off-by-one errors, cache invalidation, and synchronisation...and consensus...

I'll come in again.

Consensus is a distributed systems problem. And in that space there are only two hard problems:

    2. Exactly-once delivery
    1. Guaranteed order of messages
    2. Exactly-once delivery

Damn you beat me to it, I knew this felt like a Monty Python skit...

>“Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition! Our chief weapon is surprise... surprise and fear... fear and surprise... Our two weapons are fear and surprise... and ruthless efficiency.... Our three weapons are fear, and surprise, and ruthless efficiency... and an almost fanatical devotion to the Pope... Our four... no... Amongst our weapons... Amongst our weaponry... are such elements as fear, surprise... I'll come in again.”

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