So, it took me a while to figure out what this was. This is essentially a round-robin polling tool, with ranked results. Each poll-session has only two options that you choose between, but the entire poll can have n-options. At the end, you'll see the options ranked from most-chosen to least-chosen.
A gif, or something explaining the "what" on the home page might be good. I get that the conventional wisdom is to show the problem you solve, but "make better decisions, one choice at a time" left me confused. When I actually used one of the demo stacks, I was like, "Oh! I need this!"
Congrats on building a cool tool. I like it. I hope it goes well for you.
One feature I would be interested in is to separate answers by user. (Even if it was anonymous, with no user data collected) I would love to see what packages of choices came through a stack.
Hey, this looks interesting. As was mentioned, the navlinks are broken, like the pricing page, etc. In addition, the audio cuts out around the 30 second mark and doesn't come back for the rest of the video. And the captions don't appear to show any text. All the best to you!
The pace at which AI/ML research is being published is phenomenal. I could see that some wins would be possible just by having a Sonnet or 4o level read the faster/more and combine ideas that haven't been combined before. I would just be concerned about the synthetic of its own papers being able to lead itself astray if they weren't edited by a human ML researcher? Seems like it could produce helpful stuff right now, but I would just want to not mess up our own datasets of ML "research".
You are right on! Teamwork outside of paid work is underrated. So many solo projects/goals/quests stall when a person with a different skill set could've made all the difference and helped bring it to completion. I think in-person community is best for this, although Internet strangers can certainly become friends and do fun projects together.
I actually think that your landing page is on the right track. At least, if I'm your target customer. As someone who has hours and hours of long-form video, this page looks like I can take the videos that I have recorded and mince them into smaller self-contained pieces very easily. For perspective, I am a paid user of Descript and have played with This tool intrigues me (I've already signed up and am experimenting) because it looks like it can even auto-detect where B-Roll should go. If this is true, then no other tool really does this that I'm aware and is kind of a killer feature. You also seem adjacent to [AutoPod](
Congrats on the launch! I had a similar issue as the comment above. I put in the prompt "Celtic symphonic rock" (which seems to work on and some lyrics. The output ended up being just readings of the lyrics without any music, except some artifact-level whispering of music when the voice was silent. Would definitely love to see some demos of what it can produce!
That's very funny. It's like the time that I was in a pub in Cambridge and the gentleman* next to me said, "Y'know, the US and the UK, they go way back. The US used to be a colony of the UK actually." and I laughed, like, "Yes, and we built our entire national identity off of ending our relationship." He was dumbfounded. He was surprised that I even knew details about it. Which makes me laugh just typing this because of how thoroughly ingrained that information is to many Americans.
*Who, to be fair, had actually been educated at the "other place". (I joke as someone who did not go to college.)