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I prefer xfce4-terminal for exactly this reason. https://github.com/Piraty/dotfiles/blob/3203d78/.config/xfce...

related: JavaScript Naked Day https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40104842

i browse the web with firefox + ublockOrigin with 3rd-party {scripts,frames} blocked by default. it is a shame how many websites will show their main asset (text) not until i allow some (or all, if in a hurry/impatient) foreign site java script.

The post touts for an 'escalator' pattern, which is a good pattern to follow (for many things unrelated to web as well).

(sorry, this is long. i took a few minutes to write this down.)

I never owned a Google/Apple device and never used one for more than a few minutes in my life.

I currently use my pinephone exclusively since my +15y old 2G dumb phone broke last year (i broke it while fiddling with it, duh. it would likely have lasted another 15y. it still had its first battery which lasted 5d with moderate phone usage). Before pinephone i used a +15y old 2G flip phone (it had its first battery and lasted +7d) and i loved it, which replaced my htc hd mini and htc hd2 around 2015 (fun times, sigh).

I hate the modern concept of phone and observing the long-lasting effect of addiction on people's social and mental capabilities reminds me how important a mind free from distraction and addiction is. I know it takes a lot of self-discipline to own such a thing and not get sucked into all the dark patterns that lurk you into addiction and drain your brain (and pocket, ultimately, as this is what it's made for).

Every now and then HN features some "i quit my smart{phone,watch} and it was hard" post and commenters romanticize about it, yet i doubt most of them grasp the real implications. Every now and then I whitness the effect of detox/cold turkey with "smart"{watch,phone} on people (usually children, which cant't know better. they are exposed to digital media way too much with way too little guidance/regulation by adults who are exposed too much and who don't seem to know better as well) and it's the classic symptoms.

Unlike other additctive things, while addictive, modern phones seem useful/beneficial at the same time, which is used to justiy excessive use. It's a fallacy, i don't see it. Software run on these devices is not meant to be useful (in the generic sense) but to keep/make you a customer (and they use lot of psy trick).

Do I miss out on things because i don't take part in the "modern" way of interacting with people/companies/state? due to my self-impossed "accessibility issue" (not using "apps", that is)? Sure, but I think * people forgetting my birthday because their facebook app didn't remind them (because I don't provide data to facebook) are dumb, * banks who don't provide any other second factor for auth than their Google/Apple apps are dumb, * (nothing to complain about state here yet, but will probably come later)

To me this just reveals the brokenness of some aspects of social interaction and economy as the exclusion very well applies to elderly people as well (who even struggte with using a computer, so they miss out on even more that can't be done in a purely offline way).

And i'm not even taking into account the macroscopic political aspects of driving social life, state affairs and economy more and more into the walled garden duopoly that is Google/Apple.

Nowadays, Nokia branded HMD dumb phones are available (i have a 4G 2660 flip here, works ok'ish).

Sadly this project is not actively maintained anymore

> but has wild config file formats for people coming from Apache/Nginx-land.

stockholm syndrome

the syntax of nginx configs might not be hard, but its semantics (particularly [0]) is eldritch evil I don't relish dealing with

[0] https://www.nginx.com/resources/wiki/start/topics/depth/ifis...

I can see that. But for me, I was so very relieved to no longer deal with Apache config files after switching to Caddy.

`nvim scp://devhost/main.c`

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