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My main takeaway is that Generative AI has hit a wall... New paradigms, architectures and breakthroughs are necessary for the field to progress but this begs the question, If everyone knows the current paradigms have hit a wall, Why is so much money being spent on LLMs ,diffusion models etc,which are bound to become obsolete within a few(?) years?

one of the most popular things in modern society,'modern music' (whatever that means)is not different from 'junk food'.. 'Modern music' is to your brain what junk food is to your body! Modern music with its repetitive beats optimized to give you a brief 'dopamine' have a similar effect on your brain as junk food does on your body!! in the same way that junk food provides a quick burst of pleasure but lacks nutritional value, modern music offers instant gratification through repetitive beats and catchy melodies while offering little to no informational value to the brain . .... "junk food", "short videos", "porn" and "modern music" these things are all designed to give you a brief dopamine rush ;)

If anyone enjoyed this article, then i'd recommend reading this one as well[1], it's an interesting article with a focus on the relationship between radio and probabilistic reasoning in the early 1900s. https://www.argmin.net/p/the-spirit-of-radio

i find it ironic that some people would dismiss tools like these solely because it's based on ML algorithms or whatever, as if the music you enjoy hasn't been significantly shaped by algorithms and digital processing.the modern music industry heavily relies on algorithms and computer programs to enhance sound quality, adjust pitches, and even modify the voice of the artist.... much of the music that people listen to today is, in some way or another a product of algorithmic manipulation.And no, tools like these won't render "modern " music any more 'banal',.After all, something that is already banal can't become "banaler"

not an article, but there's a tweet (yeah oftentimes Twitter can be useful :) ): https://nitter.net/sanxiyn/status/1686782919178911744

nationalism/patriotism is gross, except for the people who happened to be born in the same country/political system/religion as myself

Cheeky, but isn't nationalism/patriotism just rational self interest? Why wouldn't I want the system I pay taxes into to put me and other people in this boat first?

I like this definition, personally:

“Patriotism is supporting your country all the time and your government when it deserves it.” ― Mark Twain

It is rational self interest, but self interest beyond a point is selfish, which is generally considered a negative personality trait.

If you want to put it in game theory perspective, normalizing selfish behavior means that when you could benefit from something in another country but won’t you’ll be the one suffering discrimination.

If we can reach agreements international cooperation can benefit all parties better than the greedy solution.

I found it extremely entertaining to follow the twitter epopeea around Lk99 topic. Apparently the Iris posts were not just empty words and trolling.

Epopee/epopea/epopeia is epic [Greek] poetry. That's a new word for me.

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