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From the examples he's mentioned, it sounds like there's quite a bit of [bike shedding] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law_of_triviality) in the process for RFC's in Rust. That's a problem when you've got lots of smart people trying to help.

There's a bit of irony in reading a text about printed vs. digital text in a digital text.

My comprehension of it was very low.

Nobody's stopping me from printing it

Maybe it's not "AI delay" that's dampening demand. Maybe people just don't need a new phone.

Thing is, ultimately, some of these technologies may yield useful innovations.

NFT's are the biggest load of speculative garbage to come down the pike in years but in terms of smart contracts (which may have some use) they're not total garbage.

AI is in the "Peak of Inflated Expectations" portion of the hype cycle but that doesn't mean it will never yield anything of value.

The Tech Industry isn't really unique in our chasing the latest shiny object behavior. Anyone recall when 3-D TV's were going to be the next big thing? The consumer electronics industry was practically salivating at selling us new TV's every couple of years.

> some of these technologies may yield useful innovations.

Why not just focus on the useful innovations, then?

Because it's not often apparent where useful innovations will come from. If we could predict in advance what will be useful and what won't, we would surely save a lot of money and effort but life isn't that easy.

Just a little something for April 1

So am I missing something here? If they think Zuckerberg is so damaging to the company why don't they sell their stocks and invest in a company they feel good about?

Because waaaaaaaah. Why should I not be able to have my cake and eat it too, regardless of who else is left holding the bag and/or other negative consequences that may result?

I'm no fan of Facebook (in fact I am the opposite), but damn.

It's hard to take anyone who's building new .Net applications on C# very seriously. F# is about 1,000 times better--as evidenced by the fact that the C# team themselves are stealing features from F# left and right.

Oh good--post a link to your own poorly-reasoned blog post on Hacker News. Terrific--there's 5 minutes of my life I won't be able to get back.

1.) I'd be a lot more inclined to take your opinions seriously if you would take a moment to spell check your work before posting it. It's not that difficult really--use Chrome or Firefox--spell checking is built in.

2.) <sarcasm> You heard of this phone OS called Android? I hear it's really starting to catch on. I think it's somehow related to Google. But they'll never catch up to Facebook's smart phone OS--what's it called again?

Yep Facebook is bound to eat Google's lunch any day now. Because Google is staffed by a load of incompetents who'll twiddle their thumbs while Facebook nimbly beats them to death. </sarcasm>

There's nothing insightful or worthwhile about your blog posting. Don't waste your time. More importantly don't waste my time by linking to this poorly-reasoned, misspelled tripe on Hacker News.

While I agree that spelling mistakes are painful to bear, I believe you are being too harsh on the author. As someone said on Quora [1]:

"Sarcasm is most appropriate when shared between two people who have similar thought patterns. That's when sarcasm is actually funny. When the sarcasm isn't shared, it's usually an avenue of passive aggression."

[1] http://www.quora.com/Is-sarcasm-ever-appropriate/answer/J.C....

How much of Google's revenue do you expect to be generated from Android OS? Further, Facebook apps are on apple and android products, giving them a larger market share than android alone could ever have. The OS alone will not be generating revenue.

I'm thinking about $1.3 Billion or so in 2012.


Also, I will add, nearly every article you read on Hacker news is a blog post on the submittors own blog. Is their something wrong with doing this?

If you found it so terrible, why did you continue reading for a whole 5 minutes and not stop after 1, clearly it must have had some value.

Google makes the vast majority of its current revenue from search and email, not from Android. $1.3 billion is projected and is about 3% of $32 billion a year revenue, the vast majority of which comes from search. http://finance.yahoo.com/q/ks?s=GOOG

Anyone who would flame you for writing this would be a jerk--not worth worrying about.

I am sorry for your loss. It sounds as if the world has lost a decent person who used his gifts to give something back.

Thanks for taking the time to read.

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