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Pretty impressive whether you like Phish or not. Ringo needs to borrow this visual to sing Octopus's Garden in the Sphere: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fWMlWLYHcgc

"It’s time to face the fact that our tax code needs a dose of fairness when it comes to retirement savings, and that starts with cracking down on massive Roth IRA accounts built on assets from sweetheart, inside deals."

I think I saw this during Covid where some of my far left and far right acquaintances united in their mutual anti-vax support. And not just me as there are quite a few articles outlining where right QAnon and the left Yoga community came together to reject mainstream consensus. So both ends of the horseshoe touched on this issue and were far from the center. Ref https://www.wired.co.uk/article/yoga-disinformation-qanon-co...

antivax is the only area where they seem similar and only superficially, I can't think of a single other instance. using one stance to pretend that two diametrically opposed sides are the same thing seems particularly ignorant to me.

Some interesting suggestions for obscure songs.

Anyone know when the new Honda eMTB ebike will be available in US market?

I remember refreshing f*ckedcompany.com daily and seeing the long list of failed/failing companies listed. I was working for a shrink-wrap box application vendor and really wanted to get in on the Internet wave. The bubble pop made it easier to see who was going to survive, which really helped with the next job move to an early SaaS vendor. Didn't lose too much money in market because I didn't have much to lose. Interesting times.

Great start. Please develop a plugin I can secretly add to my Mother's browser to dial down the outrage she reads on the fly! She'll notice 'redacted' ;)

I could be wrong but I think there was a period after the exchanges were used (no need to use full names) and folks continued using 2 letters as a prefix to a number because they were easier to remember that way (can still remember my cousin's 70s number to this day PL78750). You would look at the phone to determine the number for P and L.

I still remember a scene from Seinfeld where George is at the unemployment office and when the lady asks him for the business's phone number, he says KL5 8383.

An alias of the 555 fictitious exchange prefix, also sometimes KLamath 5 or KLondike 5:


"I've been involved in a number of cults, both as a leader and a follower. You have more fun as a follower, but you make more money as a leader." Creed ;)

Yes. So maybe this lawsuit could move the pendulum back from the truthiness state. I see a lot of 'so what' comments but maybe there's a better way.

It won’t move back. These issues exist for reasons, and avoiding lawsuits is already a consideration taken. At the end of the day, they embellish to an extreme because management in the customer companies are usually buying “we used X” prestige and there’s very little accountability in management for such mistakes.

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