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Maybe an end-around? Here are some Harvard summer courses... https://courses.dce.harvard.edu/?srcdb=202403&summer_school=.... (a long time ago now, I landed a job this way because I said I was "studying at Harvard")

The article made me think of General Kurt von Hammerstein-Equord's officer classification: "I distinguish four types. There are clever, hardworking, stupid, and lazy officers. Usually two characteristics are combined. Some are clever and hardworking; their place is the General Staff. The next ones are stupid and lazy; they make up 90 percent of every army and are suited to routine duties. Anyone who is both clever and lazy is qualified for the highest leadership duties, because he possesses the mental clarity and strength of nerve necessary for difficult decisions. One must beware of anyone who is both stupid and hardworking; he must not be entrusted with any responsibility because he will always only cause damage."

That jives very well with the first point:

"Be audacious. Most people who are talented or smart are scared of doing things."

In general smart people want to understand what they are doing before they do it. This means you can often beat them at a task by simply doing without understanding, which is why General Kurt told us to be wary about such people.

Doing without understanding usually misses some "obvious" detail, and that makes the whole thing a lot less useful, if not harmful.

A concrete but flawed implementation can also be an excellent catalyst for brighter minds, gives them something newer to focus on, discuss, iterate on, etc.

Yeah, I've seen too many bs created by people that thought they were much smarter than in reality.

The, refactor the entire codebase without asking to, type people

And the worst of all are the hardworking lazy ones, who exist only to swallow up their compatriots in universe-unravelling paradoxes.

Napoleon apparently joked about the importance of having dumb and energetic soldiers shot.


This sounds like a significant refinement over KvH-E quadrants above, and indeed highlights the danger of the dumb and not-lazy. But it's probably not Napoleon..

Napoleon would more likely say something along the lines of.. "Know when to go for it and when to take it slow."

After all, he signalled his willingness to work hard with his bee emblem.

Your comment makes me think of taoism's wu wei. Sometimes the best thing to do is nothing. And when you do do nothing, you'll look like a lazy person for sure.

Isn't taoism more on the lines of making things happen by design and not fight through things to get them done?

Sure many times that means doing nothing at all, But most of the times it means working with things in a way that things are so well designed you just flow with things instead of fighting through the system to make them happen.

i think so. I'm not a taoism expert by any means. From what I gathered, it's something like 'do not try to resolve things that will resolve itself'. An example is parents who speak to their baby a lot so that the baby might learn to speak. It's just not needed. If anything, baby talk might be harmful. And tiring. It leaves entitlement in the parent and foster bitterness later down the line. In reality a baby will learn to speak by themselves quite naturally. The parent can forget that and have a semblance of a life instead.

Also I really love the character of Mr.Shaibel in 'queen's gambit', who i thought is the embodiment of the taoist ideal in a person. Again, I'm not really learned in taoism.

A minor flaw: it is said in a way like it is 2 choices out of 4, which gives you 6 combinations. But it is more like two choices each for 2 independent “axes”, which gives you 4 combinations, exhausted in the elaboration that follows.

(For example, someone who is both clever and stupid, and someone who is both hardworking and lazy don’t make sense.)

Wow - seems very apt for software engineers too.

Nice, like that!

I am thinking is in IT industry 'too clever and hardworking'the same as 'stupid and hardworking'?

> I am thinking is in IT industry 'too clever and hardworking' the same as 'stupid and hardworking'?

The thought of someone stupid turning out the most code in a team used to make me shudder. But then I got some not so bright people on my team.

It's true that stupid left to their own devices turns out terrible code. But they have their strengths. Janitors for example are often classed as stupid, but a stupid and hardworking janitor will do a far better job than of the other types.

The key insight (and this was pointed out to me by of all people someone in marketing, designing campaigns to make products appeal to certain crowds), is janitors like routine. I guess stupid doesn't like to be made to think, they like to do what they excel at, which is doing. So the key to making it work is the smart (and preferably lazy) people design the routine, and the stupid execute it. You can rely on stupid and hardworking to do it consistently and quickly.

In programming terms, this means you need strong coding rules, lots of examples, thorough reviews which takes enormous amount of patience. A smart programmer will cafe at the oversight required, as it prevents exploration of ideas. Give stupid that and something remarkable happens - they produce very good code. Why is it good? Because it's so simple. Anyone can understand it. It takes almost no effort to read.

An even more surprising thing happens when you get them to design UI's, as in "I want a form that takes in X and does Y with it". Again, what they come us with is so simple, my grandmother could use it. Stupid people don't design complex things. Give them anything more complex than a single form and you are asking for trouble of course, as they can't zoom out and pull in the big picture, then zoom back in and execute it.

So it's horses for courses. Stupid hardworking take a lot of investment in management time. They reward that in the long term by turning out a lot of code. But you need a cookie cutter task that lasts for years at least to make the investment pay back. They don't work in a consulting where novel short term tasks are the rule. But you'll find them happily toiling away in bureaucracies, and being paid stuff all for the privilege of being the backbone of the organisation. Which explains the why stupidest thinks we have to deal with in life are bureaucracy. The people you are dealing with aren't paid to think.

Reminds of the Gervais Principle

I could see this being useful for a community-based website where it could be embedded into a page on the site (like an iframe), so many 'admins' could provide updates.

It seems that you could do this via their RSS feeds. There lots of RSS "widgets" that can be embedded onto your page.

Nice idea, tks

Agreed and I don't know. For that matter, why not an AI assistant for the whole website? I think chat interfaces might take over site search. So good luck with Gali!

...I'm surprised OpenAI has not made Custom GPTs easily embeddable into a creator's own website, perhaps that is their next step. I don't know how they expect anyone to easily find Custom GPTs when there are 3 million in their GPT Store.

>why not an AI assistant for the whole website exactly, good point!! That's how I see it too. In a few years from now, website will be much more interactive compared to the mono-directional ones we see today...

>I'm surprised OpenAI has not made Custom GPTs easily embeddable into a creator's own website Here, I see it a bit differently. I think they are the best at creating LLMs, so they should focus on that. And just that, at least for now. Why getting things complicated in creating widgets and everything around it? There are so many details they would need to deal with that would dangerously defocus from their core. Like customizations, abuse limits, integrations, history, etc... Of course easy to do, but imho too many different use cases to create something "for everyone". While a great LLM, that can be used by everyone

My son found work last year in a seaside town, I helped him in finding an apartment over summer timeframe. I looked online in the usual places and there was near zero apartment inventory which I though was odd. Then I pulled-up AirBnB and there were hundreds of listings, all unaffordable of course. He did eventually find something, but only a 6-month off-season rental unit. Next summer will be same issue.

Great read! As 'flatlander' with no residency bias here (MA), I visit NH and VT often and would say VT is the better place for a casual visit (can't comment on live). Those NH billboards and box stores add-up whereas the entire state of VT can seem like a large national park.

Good stuff! I actually had the same idea as I was building a custom GPT. Not as slick as your effort but if you want to take a look: https://chat.openai.com/g/g-lwQixzKwd-web-optimizer

Oh, this is pretty cool! I was hoping to try and create a custom GPT too, but couldn't resist trying the API before.

fyi good article on where the ends of the horsehoe have bent toward each other I think: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-55957298

Agreed. Peak studio album was Speaking in Tongues imho. I remember seeing Stop Making Sense at the theater originally and it had everyone dancing in the ailses (hadn't seen that before nor since).

The McGee series are fun reads, timewarp back to 60s/70s gumshoe work.

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