Error values should be of the form ErrFoo:
var ErrFormat = errors.New("image: unknown format")
But the page says:
// But if you want to give it a longer name, use "somethingError".
var specificError error
result, specificError = doSpecificThing()
And also says:
Don't do this:
var errSpecific error
result, errSpecific = doSpecificThing()
So should error variables written like `errSpecific` or `specificError`? The go wiki says they should be written starting with `err`:
So a public variable error should follow different naming conventions then a local variable? That doesn't seem right, the go wiki says you should use the 'err' prefix for both (capitalized for public variables though, obviously)
And I'm only asking about when you are giving an error a distinct name, not just naming it 'err'.
It blows my mind that somebody would get an answer from ChatGPT and post it here as a fact without doing the bare minimum to verify that it is actually true. It's insane, thanks for correcting them.
Gaming history is already filled with half-truths and straight up misunderstood things turned into lies because no one cares to write about anything but the players' perspective. Of fucking course the useless LLMs are going to start hallucinating bullshit when they try to navigate that.
I think it would have been interesting to send two down, one oil-filled and one not and see at what depths they break (or don't). The watches are cheap enough that destroying one isn't much of a loss.
I use an card in my phone and once you program the card with the app, it shows up as a normal physical sim card on the phone with whatever plan the esim was for. I believe you can even move it to another device and it will still show up with the same plan, though I haven't tried that.
The only issue I've had with it is that some esim provider apps refuse to work on a phone that doesn't have esim capabilities, and since the phone sees the card as a normal sim card, the apps don't work. I assume that will be an issue for any of these cards. Not a huge issue though, most esim apps/websites will still let you get the QR code or download the profile even if your phone doesn't natively support esim, and you just enter that into the app to program the card.
It's just an example async call, it could be anything. It's not the important part of that code example, it's only purpose is to show that an async call is happening. It could be written as a try/catch, or it could be written how they wrote it. I guess they chose that way because it's short and to the point.
I think it is meant to be a generic phone, the edges and front camera are wrong for an iphone, but then the home button is very distinctly an iphone. It is weird.
True, I think it's more accurate to say that the video can be shown in only black & white while still remaining mostly true to the original content, which isn't the case for most videos. So you can play bad apple on two-color display and still easily be able to recognize it as bad apple, which definitely contributes to its "hello world for video" status.
you could easily imagine fedora distributing their own build of software whose licensing fails to comply with the debian free software guidelines; bundling proprietary software used to be common in linux distributions in fact
Speaking of large batch files, if anyone has ever softmodded a Wii, there is a good chance you used ModMii, which is by far the largest batch program I've seen. The main script [1] is a batch file that clocks in at over a megabyte. I used to be pretty into the Wii modding scene and remember talking with the author of that script about random batch things a few times. I can't imagine maintaining a file that big.
It's sad that so many projects simply stopped updating a decade or more ago... the first 90% of work is building a USB loader and the second 90% is maintaining it, and neither the author nor I want to figure it out. I read online that SNEEK lets you screenshot games... it doesn't work (wrong filesystem? neek2o and sneek have a different feature set?). Also god all those Exception (DSI) and learning a decade later they were segfaults... yummy memory-unsafe embedded programming.
I found that ModMii leaked some global variables from a (failed) SNEEK install to a system menu mod('s help file), and being written in Batch certainly explains things...
I once knew a (very old) old accounting system that had to work around a 64kB limit and therefor used a programmatically generated set of many hundreds batch files batch files calling each other (not containing the program logic of course).
But each of them was less than 100 lines long.
But 27 kLOC for the WII thing or 3 kLOC for the recovery tool which even looks a bit more convoluted then the WII thing sounds interesting to maintain.
On the other hand, if it works, no dependencies no 200 MB binary blob.
The link ( says:
But the page says: And also says: So should error variables written like `errSpecific` or `specificError`? The go wiki says they should be written starting with `err`: