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I'm working on it! Feel free to launch a discussion in the GitHub project if you are interested, with examples in mind, if have any questions.

FYI the (...) part was part of the prompt to guide GPT-3 to be a true expert. Everything behind this, on AI, was GPT-3 generated, sometimes with 1-3 trials each time.

  Me>Hello, nice talking to you.
  AI>Nice meeting you as well. What's on your mind?
  Me>I need your advice for the next version of my software.
  AI>Go ahead. I'm an expert in programming languages, performances and metrics.
  Me>Great, thanks. So here is the thing. I created a PHP interpreter in the PHP language itself. Now it's pretty slow and I would like to make it faster. I'm considering using another programming language. Which ones would be both easy and run my software faster?
  AI>You can try C, although I've heard of Rust and they might be good as well.

What would be the next natural step for a front-end editing tool like this one?

Indeed! However, without range support like A1:A10 or relative references. Besides, values should be defined in order (top-bottom, left-right)

Try to create a 2x2 table like this:

=(/A1=/”Hello”) =(/B1=/”World”)

               =(A1 + “ “ + B1)
Click on Evaluate formula, tadaa. I just fixed a bug to make it work, the publication might take up to 24h.

Thanks. I added a link to the beginning of the blog post.


The source is a Google Script. When I try to create a shareable link, either by obtaining the share link or advanced share options, I get the error "Sorry, an internal error has occurred and your request has not been processed.". I'll let you know when it's working again and I'll post the link here.

Use clasp to manage your apps script project and push to Google apps script from a local git repo which you can also push to GitHub.


Thanks for the tool. Unfortunately, this makes run-test lifecycle painful -- I just want to launch a procedure and view the result in a Google docs, not git commit -am message and then git push and then refresh and then launch a procedure -- so I'm likely not going to use it

I was using an older version of this and was able to push directly to Google Apps Script / Docs from the repo with uncommitted changes for testing, and then only commit and push to git when I was happy with it.

I wrote stubs for the relevant apps script APIs and was able to run tests locally as well: https://github.com/wffurr/safe-contract-validator/blob/maste...

Thanks, I finally managed to make Clasp work. Here is the source code of the latest nightly version:


This extension stores all formulas as named ranges inside the doc. Because all changes are simultaneously visible by all users, including computing and revealing formulas, it depends on what users with the extension are doing.

This also means that users without the extension can modify any revealed formulas or definitions, and have users with the extension recompute them.

> I'm a bit adverse ...

Besides (what I consider) the introduction of the article, what else do you consider "stilted" advertising language and how can I improve my writing?

I shouldn't have been so harsh, as I was initially scanning against suspicious submissions. I criticized the language because I thought it sounded like a kind of advertising from TV.


averse != adverse

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