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all inventions are accretive from day one, in the majority of historical bubbles the speculation was built on top of already profitable technologies but there was always one or two firms that were profitable to begin with. Modern bubbles (AI, Metaverse,Crypto) are speculative from the word go, there isn’t a single company that’s profitable in those verticals.

That’s wrong. A single load of pepper was enough to pay for the successful voyage and multiple lost ships.

Yes, that single load took years. It required huge amounts of speculative capital, years of fruitless exploration, and as you say, multiple failed expeditions before it succeeded.

That is my point.

People post their videos in the contest section (for example opinion videos go in the opinion contest section) then when the contest clock ends they win points, which if they accumulate the points they can cash in for prizes.

Would love feedback. I'm new to website design and building and am self taught

Every change this guy makes happens to make the website worse. Does he have no one to tell him no or is he surrounded by cheerleaders?

Calling Kaldi (if he did exist) Ethiopian is historical nonsense considering that Ethiopia didn’t exist back then, and the kingdom before it, Abyssinia, didn’t rule the kingdom of Kaffa where coffee is originally from.

Interesting, thanks for pointing it out. Most of the history I read always pointed to 9th-century Ethiopian Sufi priests/ monks as the first frequent consumers of coffee. But I agree that using modern-nation names can be misleading.

I agree with you about using modern day nation names being confusing, but just as a correction it would be the Adalite Empire at that time, and the King of Ifat, the precursor state to Adal, was the one who brought coffee to Yemen when he was in exile. Before that local sufis would chew the fried bean as a sort of trail mix, as they still do,


Never heard about chewing fried coffee beans before. Fascinating. Thanks for sharing the recipe also...will perhaps try making it on a weekend.

Shillings aren’t used anymore and the new shillings were destroyed in the Sudanese civil war when the warehouse they were in went on fire.


Nowadays people pay each other using cell-phone minutes, for example if I buy an orange for .4 (40 cents) I will send that amount via a message.

Reminds me of Discworld quickly using stamps as printed currency because they’re obviously negotiable.

No matter how much VC’s want to live there, Miami lacks the infrastructure and “raw materials” needed for any startup that isn’t a crypto scam. This would be like Carnegie deciding to move US steel to Hawaii because he liked the weather, or Saudi Aramco moving to Jamaica.

That doesn’t seem to be working for us here in America. Do you think we should invade another country?

This is an extremely ignorant article.

1. They should call it Arat Kilos quest for the sea, not Ethiopia. Abiys megalomania isn’t popular in Ethiopia, and even FANO has come out against this “deal”

2. If you read the fine print, the deal is for a commission to examine recognizing Somaliland. Ethiopia will never actually go through with it, because Ethiopia has multiple secessionist and rebel movements.

3. This ignores the unionist factor in Northern Somalia, the area that is supposed to be ceded to Ethiopia is a heavily unionist area, and given that half of “Somaliland” rejoined Somalia this year ^1, I don’t think that will happen.

Also like all of the anylysts cited are pro-somaliland, like Peter Pham is literally a lobbyist, and this does the typical Reddit mistake of assuming the Somali government is nonexistent or weak (this isn’t 2011).

This is a horribly written article with no research to back it up

1 wikipedia.org/wiki/Las_Anod_conflict_(2023-present)

I'm not a specialist in the region, and maybe you are. I also don't like WP that much. But there's no talk about territories to be ceded in the article at all. It mentions leasing of 12 miles. It also doesn't seem to take sides, or make any far-fetching claims, it doesn't claim also that the agreement is destined to be successful. So I find it hard to understand what exactly makes it "horribly written". On a side note: personally I have no idea what changed with Somalian gov't since 2011, but virtually all sources say it still controls lesser part of internationally recognized territory, and its existence is impossible without external forces on the ground. The definition of weak is pretty stretchy, but certainly it doesn't look strong.

> But there's no talk about territories to be ceded in the article at all. It mentions leasing of 12 miles.

This doesn’t particularly matter since all of the potential ports are in unionist territory, but most Somali and Amharic sources say that it is Lughaye.

> It also doesn't seem to take sides, or make any far-fetching claims

It does both, first by the people it cites,and then by claiming that Ethiopia would both delegitimize itself and tear up the charter of the African Union by recognizing a Somaliland, a claim that Ethiopia has walked back already.

> On a side note: personally I have no idea what changed with Somalian gov't since 2011, but virtually all sources say it still controls lesser part of internationally recognized territory, and its existence is impossible without external forces on the ground.

2011 was 12 years ago. The Somali government and more importantly the Federal States control the majority of the territory of the Somali republic. Given that the majority of the “external forces” withdrew last year and the Somali government hasn’t fallen yet, I would urge you to read something more up-to-date.

How much of an impact does the UAE and Turkiye seem to have within Ethiopia's leadership?

I find it interesting that wherever UAE and Turkey's interests collide (Egypt, Libya, Syria, Somalia, Sudan, Serbia, Yemen, Qatar, etc) there's always some mutual jockeying.

I'm told this video is really well done.


TFA recognizes Abiy's personal ambition with regards to this issue in the final section.

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