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It is precisely the large impact on GDP that poses a threat to the host nation. When companies like Novo Nordisk are such a huge part of the economy, they can exert disproportionate influence on society itself.

Our economy is absolutely benefiting from Novo Nordisk's size right now, but if/when their demand weakens or they're out-competed, we're going to end up with a lot of unemployed biotechnicians and massive roads to Kalundborg which will need to be maintained.

I'd be very interested to know as well. Although the last time I attempted to run kanidm in a containerized fashion it left a lot to be desired.

The software is (perhaps expectedly) not really built to support semi-ephemeral lifetimes, so it took quite a few hacks to get it running in Kubernetes the last time I tried.

As I recall, the primary issue I had was with exposing the certman-provided Let's Encrypt certificates to the kanidm process inside the container in a reasonable fashion. I don't think I found an elegant way of signalling to the kanidm process that the certificates had been renewed and should be reloaded.

You can build a custom iso with a "talos.config" kernel parameter set which instructs Talos to download and apply a configuration on boot.

This is actually great. I maintain a library[1] for interacting with the Robot interface using Rust, but testing is heavily gated because of the potential costs it might incur, which is why a lot of the purchasing/cancellation APIs haven't been thoroughly tested.

With this billing, I'll be able to do thorough integration testing without breaking the bank.

And of course with hourly billing, horizontal scaling becomes much more feasible.

[1] https://github.com/MathiasPius/hrobot-rs

Have you reached out to Hetzner? Feels like they should waive those bills in exchange for the free dev work you do for them.

I haven't actually. I believe they do offer modest amounts of credit for creating useful libraries, documentation and such targeting their platform, but I never really looked into it.

Try reaching out to Katie - seen her in various parts of the internet. Think she’s a community manager or something like that. Eg


A company, acting reasonably?

Are you new to Earth?

At the moment there is still a one-time order fee for dedicated servers and the docs don’t clarify if it will remain.

> At the moment there is still a one-time order fee for dedicated servers

For (some) dedicated servers, I think. Last time I checked the lowest tiered dedicated servers didn't have any setup fees. If it's not mentioned, assumed it'll remain.

As diggan said, there's usually at least one of their dedicated server offerings for which setup fees are waived, so I figure my tests would use the API to find out which one and use it :)

This got me curious (and a bit worried) so I checked, and it seems like it might have been differently licensed for commercial use around the time you mention, but that no longer appears to be the case: https://caddy.community/t/caddy-license-for-commercial-use/1...

My solution for this setup is having ingress controllers on all three nodes, and then specifying all three IPs in all DNS records. That way the end user will "load balance" based on the DNS randomization.

Of course, if a node goes down, a third of the traffic will be lost, but with low TTLs and some planning, you can minimoze the impact of this.

It's an interesting approach. I did it a bit differently. I set up three Proxmox nodes on three hetzner servers. Then I deployed virtual routers. I then set up HAProxy and k3s nodes as LXC containers. What's nice about the whole setup is that a proxmox node can go down and it all still works. I will now set up keepalived as mentioned in the other reply so the HAProxies will also be fully HA. Proxmox also works well with zfs and backups. I set up the proxmox nodes manually and did the rest with terraform + ansible. One `terraform destroy` cleans up everything nicely. I wonder how the performance difference is between bare metal and k8s node in LXC.

I rand rados benchmarks and it seems writes are about 74MB/s, whereas both random and sequential reads are running at about 130MB/s, which is about wire speed given the 1Gbit/s NICs.

Complete results are here: https://gist.github.com/MathiasPius/cda8ae32ebab031deb054054...


I haven't had an excuse to test it yet, but since it's only 6 OSDs across 3 nodes and all of them are spinning rust, I'd be surprised if performance was amazing.

I'm definitely curious to find out though, so I'll run some tests and get back to you!

I haven't had much opportunity to work with Docker Swarm, but the one time I did, we hit certificate expiration and other issues constantly, and it was not always obvious what was going on. It soured my perception of it a bit, but like I said I hadn't had much prior experience with it, so it might have been on me.

Have seen age pop up here and there, but haven't spent the cycles to see where it fits in yet, so I just went with what I knew.

Will definitely take a look though, thanks!

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