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Is there something similar but for STM32?

I have collected so much information in text files on my computer that it has become unmanageable to find anything. Now with local AI solutions, I wondered if I could create a smart search engine that could provide answers to the information that exists on my personal data.

My question is.

1 - Even if there is so much data that I can no longer find stuff, how much text data is needed to train an LLM to work ok? Im not after an AI that could answer general question, only an AI that should be able to answer what I already know exist in the data.

2 - I understand that the more structured the data are, the better, but how important is it when training an LLM with structured data? Does it just figuring stuff out anyways in a good way mostly?

3 - Any recommendation where to start, how to run an LLM AI locally, train on your own data?

/r/localllama is probably the place where you want to ask your questions. They are very up to date and lots of good recommendations there.

Fun fact!? TIL: UTC = Coordinated Universal Time but the abbreviation is not CUT that would be "logical", but UTC.

"It came about as a compromise between English and French speakers. - Coordinated Universal Time in English would normally be abbreviated CUT. - Temps Universel Coordonné in French would normally be abbreviated TUC.

The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and the International Astronomical Union wished to minimize confusion and designated one single abbreviation for use in all languages.

UTC does not favor any particular language. In addition, the advantage of choosing UTC is that it is consistent with the abbreviation for Universal Time, UT"

So the reason it's called UTC is because the French and British couldn't agree, who could have guessed? :)

Does anyone knows if it is possible to send folders (includings subfolders) or is just files?

Have been looking for a simple way to share files between pc and android wireless but not via internet, but seems it always is just file/s you could transfer, not folders with everything in them.

If LocalSend is the same and can only transfer selected file/s, have anyone any tips on a alternative app that do the same but also with folders?

Payload lets you drag and drop directories and lists of files. It also handles gracefully resuming after network errors.

No mobile support yet but since Tauri is rolling it out, it’ll be easier to add it as soon as I can make time.


Disclaimer: I’m the creator.

Sounds great, will test it out directly an andoid app is released :)

Be able to transfer folder and not just files between devices wireless easy without internet would be amazing.

You can also try Feem (https://feem.io).

It transfers folders without Internet, and has an Android app like you requested.

It also supports resumable file/folder transfers, which majority of other tools mentioned in this thread don't support.

Disclaimer: I'm the creator.

What makes it blazingly fast?

Haha that’s currently a way to explain to people who are used to hosting/sync based cloud solutions that anything that is (a) local p2p and (b) doesn’t need to upload-before-download is much faster. It’s also faster than WebRTC based solutions which there are dozens, WebRTC kind of sucks for large stuff.

That said, the next version will have multi connection tcp striping, which is a lot faster than any single tcp solution in many cases, especially over long distances, similar to some ftp/usenet clients. (Spoiler there will be online p2p transfers. See https://github.com/betamos/rdv if curious)

If you can install software on the computer and have an Android 11 or newer phone, one way is to use the adb tool from android sdk tools to create a connection over the local wifi network which you can adb push folders over.

# Initial Setup

1. Install Android Platform Tools from: https://developer.android.com/tools/releases/platform-tools#... and verify that you can execute the adb tool.

2. Connect the Android device and the computer to the same Wi-Fi network

3. Also connect the Android device to the computer via USB cable (just for this initial setup)

4. Pair the phone with the computer and enable Wireless debugging as described here: https://developer.android.com/tools/adb#connect-to-a-device-...

# Subsequent usage (does not require USB cable):

5. Toggle the Wireless Debugging quick setting toggle to enable adb connections from your computer to your phone

6. Retrieve the Android device's IP address in Settings → About → Status.

7. On the computer command line type: adb connect ip-address-of-device:5555

8. Push the folder to the Android device: adb push /path/to/folder/to/copy/on/computer /sdcard/path/to/destination/on/android/device

Probably not what you are looking for, but Syncthing, Syncthing Fork on Android, if you have LAN. You can switch on only local announce (switch global off in adv. settings).

I think you can make tar.zst pretty easily in Android?

"It is said to be the worst conflict in all of human history." No it is not, that is incorrect. I really dont know where you get that from. And I dont agree that there have been a VERY violent history. Yes there have been wars, and all war are voilent, but not anything special for that era. Between 1200-1800 there was 15 wars. From 1-10 years and the majority of them lasted just 1 or 2 years.

And fun facts: Of the 15 wars Denmark started 11 of them and Sweden won 11 of them. Sug på den danskjävlar ;) Sweden is a peaceful coutry and that contry that have lived longest in the world without war, over 200 years.

All nordic countries are very similar in so many ways and our language are almost the same so we can understand, "almost" each (except the Danish people (rest of the nordic countries understand what I mean :), maybe that why there have been conflicts ;) We, the nordic countries see ourself more like a family, like siblings that love each outer but also love to tease each other :D

I have to correct my self, the war length was not between 1-10 years, it was between 1-12 when I checked again.

And about "Hundreds of years of wars." I counted for fun how many years in total Sweden and Danmark was in war with each other between 1207 when the first war started to 1814 when the last one ended, and it was around 54 years in total, over a period of 4 centuries. (54 years are dependent how you count, if a war started 1207 and ended 1208 it could have been both 1 and 2 years long, so I counted 1,5 for all wars. So at best it was 47 years or at worst 64 with a mean time of 3,6 year per war).

> Sug på den danskjävlar ;)

I feel a new war brewing and just started stacking cannon balls at Bohus fästning [1].

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bohus_Fortress

I feel a new war brewing just by reading this back and forth

Why do they use so many different domains?

I think this mpre could be a graphic driver problem. Test update to the latest from your pc manufacturer or your graphic card manufacturer (they could differ).

If I record correctly, Mozilla has said that like 97% of all problems people has is with problems is due to extensions, not Firefox. '

When you have a site not working as expected, start Firefox in "Troubleshoot Mode" (alt-key then in the menu at the top Help > Troubleshot mode) that starts Firefox with addons turn off. If the site works, restart and turn of addons one by one to you see which one creates the problem.

Do someone knows if it is possible to get a RSS feed for a podcast on spotify? If yes, how do you do in spotify (or other ways) to see a podcast RSS feed?

If it’s hosted by Spotify, the easiest way is to plug in its Apple Podcast URL to a tool like the one I linked. Try Joe Rogan’s for an example of this (his RSS is hosted by Spotify’s Anchor and every podcast index has that link.)

If the podcast is just distributed to Spotify, as most are, then the feed will be hosted someowhere else.

For those who are not from Sweden (or from Switzerland) this is a real "problem" that happens all the time, that people confuse the countries. And it is something we at least in Sweden take with a big smile :D And according to the comments to the video, those from Switzerland seem to do the same thing :)

Here is an example when Swedish Spotify was listed in the US on the Nasdaq stock exchange and they used the Schweiz flag instead haha. The list goes on :)


Huh, I thought the website was some kind of a joke but I guess not. I still have no idea how anyone can confuse the two. Czechia-Chechnya, Austria-Australia I can somewhat understand those but Sweden-Switzerland? Come on.

In English I do not get it but the names are very similar in some languages, for example Spanish: Suecia vs Suiza.

But as a Swede I can attest that people do mix up us and the Swiss for real.

But as a Swiss I can attest that people to mix up us and the Swedes for real.

Hm, that's a good point.

It's not so much that they sound the same. It's that they are small Germanic, historically neutral countries in Europe. The names are similar enough to misremember details about the two. It's hard to separate the two countries by just remembering stereotypes.

Oh c'mon, Swedes are the tall blond dudes and the Swiss wear funny german clothes and yodle all the time.

Even reading that sentence I started to doubt which was which.

Here's a memory device for you: vikings don't yodel.

After having drunken mead out of bullhorns or skulls, they do!

Sweden certainly isn't historically neutral at all.

It has been neutral from the early 19th century to 2009, according to wikipedia.

> Czechia and Chechenya

I have no idea how that can be a thing. I can understand mixing up Slovakia and Slovenia - their flags are quite similar and endonym in Slovak for that country is Slovensko, Slovenská republika. IMO it's as weird as this Sweden-Switzerland

I think it's about the sound. Something with "che-ia", something with "Swen"...

Like, if you really don't know about the world, or the regions of aforementioned countries, which could very well be, then I see the possibility.

When I revisit the words I kept confusing when I first started learning German, I'm like, did I have mental problems or what!? :)

> Czechia and Chechenya

I couldn't find it but last week I read a twitter thread about a software company in Czechia that had gotten some crazy request for documentation because they had been flagged as being in Chechnya

> I can understand mixing up Slovakia and Slovenia

Don't forget the historic regions of Slavonia and Slavinia. While neither of those two is an independent country at the moment, you never know what's going to happen in Eastern Europe.

> I have no idea how that can be a thing.

Yeah even that is a stretch. But at least you can pronounce them incorrectly to sound similar. You cannot do that with Sweden and Switzerland.

I'm Danish and I have often had people hearing that and then asking me about The Netherlands. The two countries are very similar so maybe that's why but I have this suspicion that it's simply because Dutch and Danish both begin with a D...

And outsiders don't understand the pronunciation of either language.

Slovenia-Slovakia is the big one that IIRC has their embassies having to exchange mail intended for the other one regularly.

> I thought the website was some kind of a joke but I guess not.

It's a real "problem" AND it's a joke. A joke website about a real "problem".

Serbia-Siberia is also a common one.

I know that it went wrong when a follow-up question to "Where are you from" is "Is it really very cold there?"

I thought both were cold places?

Yet, I have had English speakers mix them up several times.

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