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How often do you shoot your guns when you hunt?

In chrome you can turn off the network per tab.

In Firefox I use this extension for the same purpose


This only works on Google's OS, Chrome.

> Office Communicator, Lync, and Skype for Business.

I don't think MS Windows ever shipped with these.

Why not charge a fleet of busses or trams?

Why not both? We aren't trying to be efficient here, we are dumping excess energy from intermittent sources.

> VW has never tried to compete at the absolute low end.

VW Golf?

Have you seen the prices for a golf?

I do not, no.

> https://www.smokescanner.com/ is currently categorized as Pornography

How does that dumb ass FortiGuard firewall come up with this? AI?

Smoking hot scanners are one of the leading causes of time theft and reduced productivity!

> Google search shouldn't be the default.

At least for me, chrome was asking me last week what search engine I want to use. Made me switch to duckduckgo.

yeah me to.

The DSA and the DMA doing what they are designed to do (in Europe)

It's unfortunate that the regulators and legislators will have to fight over every one of those services individually for a while until mega corps get tired of their games and retreat to making train- instead of boat loads of money.

It's not turned on by default (yet)

The press release for this also mentions they are investigating Meta.

What did the test pilot do?

> the engineers who designed MCAS and didn't add in any redundancy,

There is, but it's optional :))))

> What did the test pilot do

Validate the tests while knowing that they shouldn't. It's literally their main job, to confirm that the plane handles as it should.


They might have been under pressure (why else would they validate a failed test)? And you can't blame people for not being a whistleblower.

> They might have been under pressure (why else would they validate a failed test)? And you can't blame people for not being a whistleblower.

When your literal job is to test critical safety features, yes, you can be blamed for failing at it. Especially when people died because you knowingly failed at your job.

What's next, not blaming architects for designing an unstable building that crashes down? Not blaming a chemical factory's security inspector for OKing dumping of toxic waste into a river?

Perhaps. But in any case, let them go after management first.

They were convinced it was a non-issue.

From experience with government contracts, aircraft certifications, and listening to directors speak, they will tell people whatever needs to be said to get the airplane to pass a final check to get a certification.

One exchange I overheard with some details changed: >you will get a warning light here but this is the end of the fiscal and we need to ship airplanes. It will break on landing then take one week to get the replacement part and we have the maintenance contract anyways. By then we will do the work to fix the issue before anyone else actually flies this aircraft. You can retest it before final delivery and you will also get a bonus or we have more test pilots who hate being drone pilots.

Some Boeing test pilot was boasting about using "Jedi mind tricks" to mislead the FAA. He was one of people responsible for convincing the FAA to drop mandatory training requirements linked to the MCAS system.


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