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What a coincidence. I just got my first appearance of alopecia areata (only one spot, has been there for 10 weeks now --- hoping more dont pop up). It's quite annoying. Unfortunately, living in the EU I'll have to wait for you guys to figure it out first.

PS: Anyone in the know who wants to give me the straight answer to whether or not I should be expecting more holes to pop up?

This drug (baricitinib) seems to be approved for use in the EU (https://www.ema.europa.eu/en/medicines/human/EPAR/olumiant), but if EU pharmacies don't have it yet you might be able to order it on some online gray market source, which is pretty easy these days for a variety of substances.

I'm almost at totalis stage now, and haven't had eyebrows for close to a decade?

I had periods of regrowth, and new patches, as well as long periods of steroids to try and spur growth. I just accepted it, and lived life.

There were periods where I should have just gone bald, as it would have looked way better. So it goes.

It will be annoying, but I never felt like it really held me back, just my "thing" that I pay attention to, like others with their "thing".

I had it in my facial hair a few years ago. Two bare patches. My barber said it was likely stress-related (though I didn't feel stressed out at all). Then a year or two later it went away for no apparent reason. Nothing had really changed in my life that I could think would affect my stress levels. In other words, both its appearance and disappearance are a complete mystery.

I also have almost no hair on my legs below my mid-calf, and I did when I was younger.

Every few years I get a patch on my beard or hair that grows about 1.5 inches. But hair comes back in full in a few months, as if it never happened.

Sample-size of 1 here: Yeah, I would prepare myself to see more. Mine came on kinda strong, both scalp and beard. Doing full shave now, still have eyebrows though!

May I ask after much time had passed after you got your first hole before you got the other holes?

Yes, alopecia areata is generally a progressive disease. It might be worth discussing with your doctor early. I'm not too familiar with the European regulatory landscape, but I would guess any JAK inhibitor would need to prove efficacy in a European-listed trial of AA to seek approval there, and maybe you'd be a candidate.

I had a few spots show up on my scalp and beard. I was told by a dermatologist to put cortisone cream and the bald patches have stayed away.

I agree with the sibling advice to see a doctor. Please don’t take what I’ve written as medical advice.

> The Huy Fong brand hasn't been available for a few years after the EU implemented some restriction on one of the ingredients.

My fride, my pantry and my local Asian shops would respectfully disagree with that statement.

Hui Fong Sriracha is less sweet, less garlicky, brighter and the chillies come out way more. It's not the same product as the Flying Goose brand and they certainly can't be substituted for each other. I love 'em both.

> It's just not the same.

To you.

> but what if author wasn't capable of doing the job

Than Microsoft would've been scammed out of $350 worth of plane tickets, $150 worth of hotel commodations and $1000 worth of employee time. Hardly the end of the world for a multi billion dollar company

> and passed just due to the advantage?

Passed a six hour Microsoft on-site grilling due to knowing the question for a 15 minute off-site interview question?

Are there studies that prove that working from the office is more effective? You must have studies proving this, as I'm sure you're not advocating for collectively wasting billions of hours of time each week on commuting "because we've always done it that way". Surely.

In which industry are you in?

I'm in the automotive industry and apart from the obvious factory workers I cant think of a single group of colleagues for whom it would not be possible to work remotely. I also dont agree with the "software industry" asterisk. As long as your work is done 100% on a computer, remote work is more likely than not suited for you.

Don't take this as a toxic comment, but we're talking about taking away 1-2 hours of time of living and breathing human beings. Out of what? 6-8 hours free time? If anything, the employers should need to prove why remote work isnt possible. Anything else is damn near unethical.

I should add, that I'm blessed with a great union that allows me to cut my weekly hours, which I will do once I reach a comfortable level of income that suits my lifestyle. Which is to say: I really, really, really like spending my own time on myself. So my view on this topic is highly skewed.

I was onboarded with 3 other colleagues, while the company was fully remote. I'm fully integrated into the work and company culture. I love my colleagues and get along great with them.

I don't undertand this "you can't build relationships over Teams" sentiment. Have people forgot about online gaming? There are millions -- I'd wager a billion -- close friendships that started (and maybe stayed) fully online. The bar for colleague-level acquaintances is much lower.

That was implied in the thread and subsequently wonfixed.

> Sure, but it's straightforward to install those [0]. A separate test suite would not be.

0: Those = Other packages you would have to download to make use of the testing components, i.e. pytest

What about pip install 'numpy[tests]' i.e using the extras feature?

Are they using the Bitcoin sign as their logo?

> doesn't hurt whatsoever knowing that Go is used in productio by Google in various high demand systems.

(emphasis mine)

Bit odd how you could miss the only point OP was trying to make. Yes, if you know that TECH_X is used in production at BIG_CORP_Y, it's very helpful. I can tell you that in the BIG_CORP I work for, we quite possibly use or have used any- and everything for something. The point OP was trying to make is: What is that something?

> The point OP was trying to make is: What is that something?

Nail. Head.

If you want a one-liner to summarise my post, this is it.

Considering the context of the original comment: a top-level comment on an article that details exactly how Zig is used at Uber, it's understandable that people misunderstood.

In the case of Google it is Go's built-in web server was good enough to handle workloads that any smaller company wouldn't come close to a Google tier web load. I get what was meant, I guess I should of elaborated why I chose Go as an example.

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