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>How Amazon built an EV charging network in two years


Well, Congress has spent $7B on chargers with not much to show for it. . https://www.politico.com/news/2023/12/05/congress-ev-charger...

> Well, Congress has spent $7B on chargers with not much to show for it.

According to your link, Congress has allocated $7B, sent $2B of that to states, but none has actually been delivered to contractors.

So, if I understand the article correctly, no money has been spent.

Yup, but goes to show that money isn't enough.

I use a public SearX[1] instance because it gives me better results than both DDG and Startpage. [1]: https://searx.space

Perhaps the name can be a little problem, due to the existence of the Mach kernel (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mach_(kernel)). Nevertheless, the toolkit does look great.

Previous Discussion, as mentioned in the article as well: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=14087381

The top comment is still 100% on the money. That there are desktop apps at all is 100% because the fantastic, easy to write for, powerful, well used, well known cross-platform web platform has made it possible & not misery-inducing to target a laundry list of pernickety not fun native platforms.

Flash was an not-integrated experience within the page, something not really debuggable or visible to the host platform. Electron on the other hand is super easy to break out a debugger on. We haven't seen good examples, but this should also permit some pretty advanced extending, modifying, altering Electron apps on the fly. Something, again, that I think of as extremely not Flash's forte: Flash always felt like a proprietary dump truck of pixel-pushing loaded itself on screen, without the beauty & elegance of the hypertext document.

It's also epic to me how much Slack's poor implementation drives hatred of Electron. I definitely want to see better web-app delivery mechanisms emerge, that free each app from having to distribute an embedded version of Chrome, but by far the most serious complaint to me is the cpu usage, and that's not Chrome's fault. It's just a shitty poorly built app. We can build apps like shit on Native too. Slack is a juggernaut of terribleness, and that this horror happens to have been done with Electron justifies far more hatred than is reasonable. VS Code for compare is not a massive resource hog, because the app developers decided to care about the product & make it work well.

In my view, a lot of people want to be very upset at the web, and Slack provides an endless supply of fuel on that particular fire.

I hugely despise the Rust-like Code of Conduct. Also please provide actual build instructions instead of giving binary files to add to PATH and execute.

It's always DNS

>It's always DNS

How is this not the top comment? Underrated

Why not use FreeTube (https://github.com/FreeTubeApp/FreeTube) then if it is based on Electron anyway? Freetube also has support for watching videos directly alongwith downloading and can also route the video through Invidious servers if you prefer not giving your IP address to Youtube.

It's a wholly different use case. FreeTube is meant as a full replacement for the YouTube site. This app is a frontend for youtube-dl and concentrates on quick downloads noly.

Isn't a phone number personal information as well? And what about countries where it is mandatory to register your SIM card? ProtonMail can't just reply to this part by saying "Just move to a different country bro". A phone number is personal information and should be treated as such.

A phone number is PI as long as it is tied to your ID. If you managed to get a SIM that is not in any way tied to your ID - then you are fine. This is assuming that nobody tracks your calls etc... but if you use Tor to register a PM account, then you probably know all the do's and dont's of both Tor and prepaid SIMs. As for the second part - yes and no. Yes, PM cannot answer suggesting to move. No, PM is not to blame for that. As it has been pointed out (in one of other threads about PM) this serves as a (not so high) hurdle for spammers, otherwise PMs free tier will turn into spam machine overnight. And paying customers still have to disclose their identity. Also, if one values their privacy _that much_ then that person should be able to expend some effort to protect it, and not just make a couple of clicks on the webpage.

Privacy is a human right.

I support providers that believe this as well, and act in accordance.

Your model more treats privacy as something to be earned or attained through technical knowledge. No thanks. Journalists and whistleblowers need others looking out for them when no one else will.

If Protonmail doesn't solve this by the time my account is up for renewal, I will not be renewing.

The best way to prevent that is by disabling JavaScript. Generally, JavaScript is what enables such banners to popup and obstruct your vision with newsletter requests.

The best way is to install uBlock (or your preferred ad blocker), not to disable javascript.

Javascript is like a knife. Do I want people who know how to use a knife in my house? Yes of course. Do I want people that stab other people in my house? No. Nowadays there are tools to leave those people outside your door.

It's time to end the association between javascript and bad web practices.

I use uMatrix. It allows me to block all third party scripts by default, easily unblock them one by one if I need to, and save my changes for sites I visit often.

And well upwards of 95% of all Web users (and I'm willing to bet closer to 99%) ... will not or can not use such tools.

(I support several. Tuning sites where uMatrix or even uBlock breaks stuff is a constant chore.)

Yes, many people can't or won't use uMatrix. And yes, it's a chore to tune sites. But we live in a digital jungle, it's program or be programmed.

An answer to a systematic and institutional abuse relying on individual actions which the overwhelming majority of the population will not or can not undertake ... is inherently unjust.

I use uMatrix. I appreciate the hell out of uMatrix. uMatrix is not the solution to the present level of abusive dark Web patterns.

I don't quite like an operating system as minimal as this to be licensed under a non-copyleft license. Operating systems like Minix have already been exploited by Intel for their Management Engine, which some call a 'backdoor' in their machines. And Minix was licensed under the BSD License as well, so Intel could get away not releasing the source code for IME easily.

This is a terribly impressive project for fitting in 512 bytes. It's charmingly packed full of features for its size and it taught me a couple x86 tricks. So I don't mean to sound harsh here. But it's an OS for the 16 bit IBM PC. Its strategic value to Intel in the FLOSS wars is probably only slightly greater than CP/M's.

With this project being so small.. impressively of course. Does this licencing type interfere if someone can separately come up with some similar methods and processes, legitimately without referring to this project.

If it was the be enforced, it seems it would be extremely hard to enforce given the limited methods such an os And features COULD be implemented within such a small space.. Or have I misunderstood completely.

As an analogy.. Being able to license the most efficient way electrons and protons can vibrate at a certain frequency seems unenforceable..

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