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While not a rule sustainability should be a factor to consider imo. Author would quickly find out what an impossible routine or habit looks like.

I consider calculating it would be along the lines of: sustainability = effort x time.

I'd like to know how others think about the hypothesis of the pandemic causing the next evolution? With the proliferation of habit trackers and productivity tools. What's begun is focusing less on the spiritual and more on actions.

I've personally been fascinated by the idea of personal history for 2 years now. Especially using personal history to improve how I live or want to live tomorrow.

For my own journal I have chosen to capture more objective facts e.g. the actions in my day-to-day life. And place less effort on recording more subjective reactions like my mood.

>I'd like to know how others think about the hypothesis of the pandemic causing the next evolution? With the proliferation of habit trackers and productivity tools. What's begun is focusing less on the spiritual and more on actions.

I have also had thoughts about this. I do think that having time to themselves made some humans (and perhaps humanity as a whole) more reflective.

But also I dont think it's sustainable. Already, most offices have been pushing workers to return. We are sliding back into the old ways.

And people no longer have as much time to reflect, to be thoughtful.

>For my own journal I have chosen to capture more objective facts e.g. the actions in my day-to-day life. And place less effort on recording more subjective reactions like my mood.

I have some reservations about this.

Our moods and feelings tell us a lot about ourselves, things that we are not conscious of.

And writing about these subtle moods and feelings helps me be more conginizant of those things.

It’s a subtle aspect of moods and emotions that we are not privileged to know their impetuses. Yet, to learn them can be as simple as asking the subconscious of this, and this is a crucial function of free writing.

Inspired by this Veritasium video: https://youtu.be/R13BD8qKeTg?feature=shared

I'm working on a journal that incorporates Bayesian learning on how aspects of my life affect my mental, physical and social well-being. Having used it for nearly 500 days I plan to turn it into a life accounting and auditing tool.


GoDaddy flagrantly steps over the line from deceptive practices into unethical shady business territory. Continues to amaze how they are still running.

To this day I am not entirely convinced that they did not start as something sex-industry-related and then for some strange reason switched to DNS registrar business later. Seriously, "Go, daddy!"?

I always thought the founder had a bit of a gradiosity complex and it was actually meant to be read like “god addy” as in address

It's a bit cliche but the most accurate book is the one you can write for yourself.

Seriously, make yourself a guinea pig, experiment and have fun. All whilst making note of how things are affecting your sleep.

Here are some starter experiments:

-no tech within 1 hour of bedtime

-do household chores or go for a walk/run a few hours before sleeping

My last tip for all of this is to have self-compassion, a majority of things won't work but that's the methodologies problem not yours. Decide if you want to tweak it or move on.

Good luck and best wishes.

For me happiness is an incredibly flawed metric. It's so obtuse that it's context is the only thing of value to discuss. I.e. that article for me is discussing financial well-being.

For nearly two years I've split happiness into 3 pillars: .Mental well-being .Physical well-being .Social well-being

A truly happy day is a stars aligning event where each category has to be fulfilled.

But you get a lot more nuance in knowing your emotional happiness is not occurring with equally strong physical or social happiness.

>.Mental well-being .Physical well-being .Social well-being

This is a realistic way of looking at things, I would break it down personally a bit more granular level, but it is quite true. Most days I barely achieve the targets (this mostly applies mostly to my personal goals) I set out for the day but I am making peace with myself due to a really painful breakup I have gone through recently, while also dealing with some other personal troubles and I am trying to make peace with it cause I think I have come to accept the troubles I have been in the past few months and planning to do things about it.

A happy middle ground is buying a pair of IEMs and a Bluetooth dac/amp.

For $50 each you get earphones that should last you a lifetime and have above average audio quality. With the benefit of IEMs being you can replace the cable as needed.

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