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Yelzin used to threaten everyone willing to listen too

Here is to surviving and thriving in the face of the nth nthifada.

Here's to surviving in the face of a near century long ethnic cleansing and apartheid.

Its gonna be very strange one day to look back on this period of history and see everyone claiming that they were always against it, just as they do now with colonial india, south africa, slavery, anti-semitism, and black civil rights.

> Here's to surviving in the face of a near century long ethnic cleansing and apartheid.

Century long ethnic cleansing and apartheid, indeed. Where are the Jews in Syria? Egypt?

Or people will look back on it like the 30 years war; where if you ask them they have a vague idea of the nominal issues but are only firm in the conviction that the whole thing was (even for a war) a giant waste.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expect the same results. The Palestinians try to oust the israelis since the 60s, tried to coup Several governments in the middle east and predominantly murdered jews that were ousted from allover the middle east. Nobody wants them, not syria, not lebanon, not saudi arabia, jordania or egypt. Everyone else in the hood just murders there minorities and life goes on. Yet, im supossed to hate the only country that does not?

Nothing forges on in Palestine, after entire population starved and infrastructure destroyed.

Here's to surviving the nth ge-n-ocide.

Although we should indeed mourn victims on all sides.

Surveys show over 70% of Palestinians supported the October 7th rape and murder of Israeli teenagers at a music festival. Forging on is not enough. Hamas and all its supporters need to be wiped out once and for all.

The office who persecuted bible smugglers in the ussr, produced a guy who now runs the whole shop and suddenly is the champion of the bible belt. Stanger alliances have been seen, but not much..

Biology is blind, a blind sensor would find poverty, high stress and low reproduction rates equal to a plague?

So.. Panopticon drone that autokeeps distance while observing and live streaming events?

There is however a sad true core, most dangerous, poor or authoritarian places produce young repeat offenders who then migrate away from that place when draconian punishment looms. Europe its marroko, algeria and egypt. Then again, a ton of them use this chance to turn their lifes around..

A horizontal self drilling loop would be worth millions as a cheap technology.

Yes, turns out almost every creature on earth is an opportunistic carnivore. Dont ask me how they avoid botulism with their digestive system.

Oversupply jobmarkets are brutal and exploitive towards the naive and try to keep that naivete going to guarantee an Oversupply of exploitable workers sticking around in a steady stream. Up next an interview with Scarlett Weinstiensson.

Writing, music, game design, acting, fashion. All the nice things attracting all the bad people to profit from humanity needing all the nice things to make life bearable.

Another way to put it is that the most gentle among us are attracted to industries run by the most brutal among us.

This was the whole premise of Pink Floyd's 'Wish You Were Here' album.

In the realm of invisible monopolies and quasi-state owned the privately owned individual is only half blind.

What does that even mean? Your structural setting changed your success potential? China would disagree.

Besides… Blue origin? Boeing? These are not state owned or “invisible” yet are failing.

A pension fund is a conservative entity interested in stability above all things, with longterm planning, rulebooks, almost like a small state. The line between public and private is very blurry by now and that blurryness goes both ways. Get public funding long enough and you loose your agency to become a bureau of everything nihilitary gone.

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