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Why is that?

Lack of competitive pressure.

Management by civil servants who have no stake in the business nor real understanding of the sector.

Interference from politicians.

It was tough watching European countries make cut after cut to their military forces, because without a military that's able to actually defend the country, there's a lot of expectations that the US will step in and do the job.

For the US, that has not been a great role to be in considering the recent past.

It's been a pleasant surprise to see European countries start to take their own defense seriously in the face of the invasion of Ukraine. When other NATO members can pick up their own slack, it makes it feel much more like an alliance of equals that can make solid contributions.

AGI would seem to require consciousness or something that behaves in the same manner, and there does not seem to be anything along those lines currently or in the near future.

So far, everyone that has theorized that AGI will happen soon seems to be believe that with a sufficiently large amount of computing resources, "magic happens" and poof, we get AGI.

I've yet to hear anything more logical, but I'd love to.

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