Several layers of problem there, particularly that a “criminal record” doesn’t mean you’ve been found guilty, only charged, and that the stay on proceedings means an innocent person can never clear their name- allowing the Canadian police to sweep their faulty charges under the rug.
“We don’t wish to cause any alarm, but is there any one on board who is familiar with regular expressions, cron expressions and parameter expansion rules in bash?”
You joke but… There was an emergency nose high recovery out of San Diego airport where at one point the pilot had every passenger crowd into the first class cabin…
From the “useless web” links provided above, I learned:
> The project was built and launched as part of Netlify’s Dusty Domains project, where for each project built and launched on an old domain money was donated to charity! Ultimately over a hundred thousand dollars was raised for a variety of individual charities.
Are you a libra? This sounds like something a libra might would say! /s
“Repeatable identifiable categories of dubious usefulness”
Yep, there’s a lot of this in modern science.
“Is this method of classification useful? wrong question! All you need to ask is, is it easy to write a reproducible paper (or shareable web content) on this method of classification? Yes, yes it is!”
Eh, it's more like the DSM was written primarily with the concept of billing and charting in mind. If you track and bill medical conditions, you need a consistent language for things that will be consistent across medical providers.
It solves a problem, just not the problem most people think it solves.
> The book was written partly as a response to the misrepresented but increasingly commonplace idea of the "10,000-hour rule," popularized by Malcolm Gladwell in his 2008 book Outliers and which Gladwell had based on Ericsson's own research.
Thanks for that reference. Having read Outliers years ago, Peak sounds like a useful follow-on and the concept of “deliberate practice” makes sense to me.
I’ve been learning guitar over the past couple of years and I still struggle with many aspects (with good rhythm and timing being the most difficult). I’m mostly self-taught ( but have recently started a music class to get feedback on my playing. My wife is also learning Mandarin and it sounds like the kind of book that she’d be interested in.
> I’ve been learning guitar over the past couple of years and I still struggle with many aspects (with good rhythm and timing being the most difficult).