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Slowing down would be hard since it's a live stream

not recommended for pilots and controlling air traffic, but ffmpeg’s ‘atempo‘ filter works on audio streams:

‘ffmpeg -i ATC.wav -filter:a "atempo=0.5" -vn lofiatc.wav’


KiranRao0's point is that this will eventually fail:

curl -L http://d.liveatc.net/klax_twr | ffmpeg -i - -filter:a atempo=0.5 -f s24le - | ffplay -f s24le -ar 8k -ac 2 -

First, the pipe buffer between curl and ffmpeg will fill up (something like 64k) and then curl will be more and more delayed getting the next bit of audio from the server. Eventually the HTTP connection will fail. How and when that happens depends on exactly how the server is set up.

On my machine (Ubuntu) it stops after about 15 minutes.

You could increase the buffer size with pv or use a temporary file of course.

While I agree, often times the places that need the most heat are those with snow. So it may still be better to optimize for cooling in many cases.

Maybe but I can tell that is not my case. If I was to generalize my question beyond my circumstances it would.

What coatings should be used for roof and exterior walls for a well insulated building in in the mid forties latitude.

Snow has some insulating value so the heatloss is reduced. A highly absorbent roof might still be a plus. I'm currently trying to figure out the if I can put a thin layer of phase change material PCM on my exterior walls. The idea would be that the phase change would delay the reaction of the heat transmission through the walls. The building has a high thermal mass and it takes about 72 hours of a 15+ degree temperature difference to result in 4 degree temperature change of the interior of the building. Modern commercial buildings can't use open windows for ventilation. The ventilation has to be provided by a mechanical system. I'm trying to optimize the building to maintain a consistent overall temperature range of 72-78 degrees. The summer is not a problem the heat pumps and solar array mean I only get 5 electric bills a year. I think that I can do a lot of optimization of coatings and solar thermal to get to net zero.

I don't see that as explicitly a bad thing.

If a rational founder thinks they can gain more by working on their friends startup, it might be better for the collective to have more people working on the more promising project.

Right to jail

People have not left the labor force in the last few months. The labor force participation rate is still on a steady upward march since the initial lockdowns.

Sources: Bureau of Labor Statistics https://www.bls.gov/charts/employment-situation/civilian-lab...

Does anyone have a comparison to other nations?

Every domestic and international flight I can remember (post 9/11) has checked my ID immediately before boarding.

Slightly tangential, but the most effective way to be invited to a party is by hosting them.

Does anyone have thoughts on the announced 40k show produced by Henry Cavill?

I honestly think Cavil loves it enough to make the best possible version of what media giant approaching 40k as a series for the mainstream would be.

It is just about how good that is, and if that then captures enough non-40k fans for Amazon to justify the series as an 'Iron Man' moment. I think it has a chance because of how grim the younger public's perception of the future is and how very similar it is to the past where we were much more into the horror and Godzilla vibes at the movies. Where seeing something as dark and grim as 40k will scratch an itch we didn't think of until now.

I'm not sure how easy it will be to work with Games Workshop.

Also, I really would have preferred the Horus Heresy -- which could have a real endgame. Otherwise, 40k could be a series without a point and could be more nimble in it's presentation so that might work better.

I had a hard rule against reading anything where the toy came first, but I've been surprised by HH and 40k. It's not the best writing/storytelling ever, but it is self-consistent and presents such a different view of things I'm enjoying it. They seem to understand what a galaxy wide fight means (it's big!). And the stakes at hand are very high and require obscene efforts from our point of view, but the threat is existential to humanity and it's all justified (?).

“Cavill is a big time fan of <X> geeky thing and so his attachment is a sign that fans should be excited” has a sort of mixed track record at this point. On the other hand, it clearly works for him and I’m sure he’d like to preserve that (note: not trying to call him disingenuous or anything, I think he’s actually a fan of these things but he also clearly plays it up a bit).

So, I’m somewhat hopeful in this case, in the sense that he’s got a producer role from the start and he probably knows that a flop here will hurt his reputation a bit. On the other hand, knocking it out of the park might make him invincible. Also it’s Amazon, right? So it isn’t like there are a bunch of other super prestigious creatives he’ll be butting heads with.

I'm still a fan of The Witcher, although I think the most tightly plotted episodes are actually the prequel that recently came out (that lacks Henry in it).

It's a wish that will likely die on the vine. GW will certainly leverage enough influence to see someone in charge who has no idea how to make a production OR they will fight about minutia and it will fail because AMZ doesn't care enough to fight it and don't want to lose it to a competitor. Hence, I expect it to die in pre/production.

There's the draconian amount of control GW has exerted across youtube in recent years, showing their narrow vision. Look at the trail of terrible games and limited CGI media, to see how GW's vision does not scale.

This is why I love HN. These comments allow me to not click.

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