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Im also sure that if theres enough customer demand (from people willing to spend $M), AWS will make network connected FPGA happen.

I'm sure they won't, at least without a lot of development. FPGA networking used for trading is borderline abusive of networking protocols, and I assume that Amazon doesn't want that on their production network.

One key consideration is “provable fairness”. It’s my understanding that exchanges use techniques like long, same length fiber optic cables to all racks within the exchange datacenter to convince customers that everyone is on a fair playing field.

This is a lot harder to do when a server is virtualized somewhere on some rack on EC2. Exactly as mentioned, people will try to optimize by spinning up/down instances as close to the exchange server as possible. Customers will be unhappy because they can’t prove that it’s fair, even if they have the closest server.

Overall great, thought provoking writing btw

It's provable that it's not fair. AWS multicast is software based, not hardware based.

I think the lines between software and hardware-based are a little blurred these days with accelerator cards and whatnot. It's just a lot harder to come with the same level of guarantees when you're basically running a hypervisor on top of it.

The only exchange I know that does the cable in a box trick is IEX. Everyone else is based on "the closer, the better". Colocation is king.

> This is a lot harder to do when a server is virtualized somewhere on some rack on EC2.

There are bare metal EC2 instances.

It's about the interconnect and the proximity.

and not having a for() loop doing multicast fanout in software

which sounds like what AWS Transit Gateway is

At some point, someone has the shortest route connecting to the exchange's bare metal EC2 instance, and that organisation has a significant advantage in high frequency trading.

> Cars are very obviously not the future of human transport

I wish this were true. However, I'm seeing the trend pointing in the opposite direction almost everywhere. For example, almost every European country has seen a rise in the motorization rate. [1] China is also firmly on the rise, and America remains 80-90% [2]

Given this, I don't expect that OSM has the ability/authority to make a dent in motor vehicle usage rates. I do, however, believe they can take advantage of the way the world exists today to improve open source mapping.

[1] https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/products-eurostat-news/w/D...

[2] https://www.forbes.com/advisor/car-insurance/car-ownership-s...

[Not cited, but neet]: https://www.jstor.org/stable/27503807

It's more complicated then that. For the U.S.: the urban sprawl and urban planning makes it impossible to not use a car for many people.

The old, European cities have a bigger chance to go carfree. Some are actively working to it (e.g. Paris or Ghent), some are trying (Brussels), others are not even trying (Antwerp).

In the long run, I hope car use will decline (so that only emergency services, nuts services, ...) need one - for the climate, for our health but mostly of all: a carfree city is a pleasant city.

Have a look at https://social.notjustbikes.com/@notjustbikes , who does great videos about it.

I should clarify: if it is our future, our future is grim.

I'm optimistic that anti car efforts will win out in the end as our message spreads and people's quality of life decreases hand in hand with even further trafficization of their lives.

My grandmother's primary method of communication is a cheap Android tablet. It unfortunately includes a preinstalled SMS app that upsells a VoIP SMS service. My grandmother gets extremely frustrated by accidently clicking the message icon and opening an upsell page. There's no way to uninstall the VoIP app.

So instead of giving up and buying a new tablet or paying for an unnecessary service, I hacked together a way to open WhatsApp instead.


Deactivating the app was impossible too? You can often do that with preinstalled Android junk which is installed on the system partition.

Another often possible solution is installing Lineage.

Unfortunately, deactivating wasn't allowed (or at least wasn't easy) by the OEM's ROM. There may be an adb command, but it wasn't worth the effort.

I considered a custom ROM, but:

* My grandmother is averse to all change

* Transferring stuff (apps, settings, pictures) over would have been a pain

* It's a lot easier to support a single utility app than support an entire OS

To me, these lessons feel very similar to the lessons learned working at a midsized company.

Was there any particular takeaways that are exclusive to working at a FOSS?

While I agree that it's not terribly unique to FOSS, it makes it even more useful IMO since relatively few work on FOSS.

I think the lessons learned and advice given are great for a large number of developers.

The lessons about working with external pull requests feel unique to FOSS to me.

I find it common for human customer support people to give inaccurate information. I don't know about "outright lying", but I've had people tell me things that are factually incorrect.

Depends. Saying "thing X should not fail" is factually incorrect, when you called because thing X failed.

However I would not expect an airline customer support to make up a completely fictional flight that has never existed. Maybe they could confuse flights or read a number wrong, but making one up?

Humans won't fabricate too much but when confronted with yes/no questions and they have a 50-50 shot of being right and any blowback will likely be on someone else....they'll answer whatever to get you out of their hair.

Case in point, I asked my bank if they had any FX conversion fees or markup. Guy said no. I asked if there was any markup on the spread. Said no. Guess what? They absolutely mark up that spread. Their exchange rates are terrible. Just because there isn't a line-item with a fee listed doesn't mean there isn't a hidden fee in there. He's either incompetent or a liar.

Shoving somewhere in a datacenter and virtualizing so that 96 different clients can use it at once.

But ThreadRipper is a workstation-targeted product, not server, isn't it?

My personal take: Microsoft isn't facing the same wage competition it used to, so doesn't have to increase wages.

> I really don't want to restart with the hassle of configuring a js project from scratch. Done it already a thousand times, and that's a thousand times too many :)

This is the key. For small apps, it's far more effective to pay the premium to not deal with any DevOps. Once an app gets bigger, it'll make sense to spend more time optimizing cost.

I feel like Vercel is the new Heroku circa 2015. I'm hoping it won't follow Heroku's trajectory, but who knows.

I would expect small class sizes to be considerably more expensive.

Yeah, that's why people don't like it.

The essay's thesis is that math is an unusually useful art form that we typically teach by diktat. Students are asked to memorize formulas, but they would learn more effectively (and have more fun) if teachers could work closely with them to derive and understand the solutions. Or better yet, encourage and guide them to find their own interesting formulas and patterns.

We should teach engineering classes and students would learn math to solve engineering problems. That solves the “when are we going to use this?” problem.

I've been learning a lot about geometry to apply to using my CNC:


I would highly recommend anyone w/ a child taking geometry to get a 3D printer and:


(I am currently working through the matching book on Calculus)

How much do school districts in California spend (as a percentage of total budget) on staffers who do not teach children directly?

If it is (for the sake of argument) a quarter of the budget, then I ask would 33% more funding be able to shrink class sizes to a degree that would meet your approval?

If instead it were half the budget, would a 100% increase in funding not be able to shrink the class sizes enough?

Does anyone know what the actual percentage of staffers vs teachers is, or what proportion of funding goes to each? Not just payroll, but also the office buildings for staffers vs school buildings for classrooms, etc.

We don't know, and school districts aren't required to report it. In 2022, 78% didn't.


> How much do school districts in California spend (as a percentage of total budget) on staffers who do not teach children directly?

Probably over half.

I downloaded the 2020 data for SFUSD from https://transparentcalifornia.com/. According to those data, only 45% of SFUSD's spend on pay & benefits goes to people whose job category contains the string 'eacher'.

Another 4.5% do to people whose job title contains the string 'incipal'.

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