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There're few benefits that comes with packaging it into an electron wrapper, including:

- making sure it works on all platforms independently of the browser you use (because it comes packages with chromium)

- having access to more API from the platform. Although the UI is rendered through a WebView, there's still native code running, that you can hook back into your app. That can be useful to either offload some logic to native, or access native API that you pilot from the WebApps

- having a shortcut icon to open you app in the system (although this is getting obsolete now that Chrome and Safari offer "Add to Desktop" functionally)

Many people in the PR mentioned the complexity that Typescript brings. But wasn't it an over simplification from the language from the beginning?

I mean, in the context of JS 10 years ago, Typescript in indeed overly complex, but in the context of today's JS running servers and very complex apps at scale, it just seems sane to back up the code with types, just as most other languages would do..

In my opinion it's now a required complexity to build up a lib with some stability and a safe DX for contributors

I use this trick too for puzzles! Spotting on the fly the differences, makes for a great intro of the topic with people not aware of it!

3DImka, who is being most of hidden-3d.com, is constantly pushing the boundaries of stereograms!

I highly recommend having a look at some of his best creations on deviant art [0], particularly his technic of matching outlines with the final 3d result [1], or his experiments with transparency [2].

[0]: https://www.deviantart.com/3dimka [1]: https://www.deviantart.com/3dimka/art/You-must-not-fool-your... [2]: https://www.deviantart.com/3dimka/art/8-Legs-Magical-Stereog...

I stared at this one for a long time: https://hidden-3d.com/index.php?id=gallery&pk=457 They use opposite colors for the foreground which makes it look opalescent and gray at the same time.

Ah the fading colours experiment! Interesting one! I'm still not grasping the efforts it takes to create those effects..

I find this effect somewhat unpleasant to look at though.

That transparency effect (in [2]) looks great.

Most of autostereograms are meant to be seen wall-eyed, instead of cross-eyed [0]. With wall-eye, you shift the convergent point being what you're seeing, while with cross-eye you shift it before.

So it creates the exact opposite 3d. Watching a stereogram meant to be seeing wall-eyed, cross-eyeing you'll see an upside down 3d. Some stereogram are mean to be seen cross-eyed though, which is considered easier to see.

[0]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autostereogram

It wont’t turn the image upside down, but the depth will be inverted, so what is meant to jut out at you will become a trough away from you.

"the depth will be inverted" better describes it indeed. Thanks clarifying it!

> With wall-eye, you shift the convergent point being what you're seeing,

Here "being" probably should have said "behind".

This is definitely an issue which is well underestimated!

Portugal (e.g in Covas de Barroso) [1] and Spain (e.g. in Cáceres) [2] are facing huge pressure to settle for lithium mines, without much consideration for the social and ecological impacts on those regions...

It is still considered as a green energy, simply because we decide to forget about part of the process. Just as we did for gas, and plastic.

Energy price should take in account all the impacts (recycling included), the avoid being considered as a magical solution, and rush blindly toward the next crisis..

[1] https://www.portugalresident.com/lithium-wars-step-up-in-cov...

[2] https://www.ft.com/content/459191d9-774d-4a2b-8ec6-ba472017b...

Very well explained, with nice little animations to toggle on the way !

For those copying/getting inspired by the code, don't forget to add the missing empty-array for the useLayoutEffet dependency param.

That would measure the component only on mount, so it would not notice if it’s layout changed.

You need to run it without the dependency array or add all layout-changing props and state to it.

They didn't pay for the processing.. We ignore a lot of cost when selling a product, and particularly the cost of recycling, which start to be a huge issue taking in account the amount of waste produced..

This gives us the feeling that electricity is almost free and green, while in the meantime we damage entire area through lithium mining (E.g https://www.nytimes.com/2021/05/06/business/lithium-mining-r...)

Wow I feel I just came out of a cave, to discover only now about Worldcoin..

Apart from the arguable concept itself, I'm genuinely wondering why betting on yet another scanning device, instead of using fingerprint scan, which is now available on most smartphones ?

Is it that much more reliable that it's worth going through the pain of engineering a new hardware ?

Finally, how they could expect any other reactions than doubt, fear, and reject, out of this solution, while fingerprint and face detection already go through so much ethical issues ?

If the problem is "make money from a blockchain" then things may look different.

> how they could expect any other reactions than doubt, fear, and reject, out of this solution,

It looks to me like they're targeting people who are not as concerned or thoughtful about such issues.

Few days ago I stumbled upon an article from Paul Graham from 2008 that fits well in the current topic imo - Be good (http://www.paulgraham.com/good.html) He describes how startup sometime follows the pattern "You grow big by being nice, but you can stay big by being mean."

And it's the feeling I have today about Airbnb.. I use to love them, not only because of the concept, but also as a startup pushing innovation, sharing tech and design learnings, etc. It had a sens of contributing to community, and caring its users

Today I despite them for the uncontrolled impact they have in cities, and the we-don't-care philosophy they seems to have adopted (not to mention the feeling of being betrayed by a company I use to look up to). And I can't really blame ourselves for keeping on using it. They created "something that people wants" and now are taking advantage of it.

It's probably our responsibility now to remind those companies that "something we want" is a product along with a care for its users.

this should be higher up and is exactly how I feel. I will go out of my way to never book an Airbnb again and I'm pushing all my friends to do so as well.

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