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Steam lets you sell Steam keys directly or via a third party and they take a 0% cut. That's how places like greenman gaming, humble bundle, etc work. You still get to use all Steam's infrastructure but pay no fee.

that's a mechanism intended to grant keys to reviewers and such, you can't use that as a primary transaction mechanism. steam has an unspecified threshold at which they will kick you off the platform for abusing that, they aren't there to be a free delivery platform for external sales and if it makes up a plurality of your sales they'll pull the plug.

you'll note humble bundle isn't literally the only sales those publishers make on those games, or even a majority of their sales, and it's also something that's specially blessed by valve. if you pull that as a random shit publisher not through humble bundle you'll get kicked off.

The flight alone is unaffordable or very expensive for most people in the United States.

If you amortize the cost of the flight across a month or so in a LCOL region it can be cheaper than staying home.

Staying at home is also increasingly unaffordable for a lot of people in the United States, of course.

Yes, but most of the cost of staying home is

1) rent/mortgage

2) food

And you still have to pay both of those if you're on vacation. Unless you're suggesting that people pack up everything they own, move out of their house, and go on vacation for a month?

I know tons of people who worked minimum wage jobs who saved up and packed up and went on vacation for a month somewhere where the basics are much cheaper than back home - e.g. a hostel in Thailand while living off street food.

I did it too.

If youre the kind of person who flits between luxury airbnbs and cruises then yeah, "travel is a luxury".

There seem to be a fair few of those here.

There's people that rent out their house a la AirBnB, while out on a month+ stay in a LCOL country. And in some cases come out ahead doing so, while having a vacation.

Of course it varies from household to household whether it's practical (or wise) to do this.

I have previously rented my house out on AirBnB, and it's not a switch you can just flip when you feel like taking a vacation; there is a lot of work you have to do to get your house ready to rent, and you have to establish (or maintain) relationships with people who can handle turnovers and other on-site services. A month would not be long enough that I'd feel like it was worth the hassle.

Applicant tracking system?

From clues in the article I assumed these layoffs were in Marketing and HR. They consolidated HR and marketing leadership under the COO and a VP. Did you see evidence that the layoffs were in engineering?

I just took a 20 minute ride to the airport in a Waymo yesterday. They are operating in two locations in Arizona and expanding to San Francisco.

Do the cars drive at freeway speeds, 60 mph plus on the freeway? My impression was they don't go on roads with speeds that fast, they limit themselves to roads with speedsmaybe up to 40.

I credit the Kinesis keyboard for saving my career. I still have wrist and hand issues but nothing as bad as the years before Kinesis.

Very few people can experience your physical shed. Everyone can experience the VR shed at 0 marginal cost.

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