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I've also seen this phenomenon. I wonder if hopelessness and hopefulness is relevant since the focus seems to be the difficulty of coming up with solutions.

I suppose this just shifts the question to.. are we typically more hopeful for others than of ourselves and if so why?

Hopeful = helpful?

If we have a problem ourselves, we sometimes block out, often obvious, solutions! I read somewhere : what can help is, ask yourself, what advice would I give if that problem were a problem of a friend. And that works! Suddenly you have, at least, a less biased view on the problem, or even the solution!

It seems 'Notebooks' fits your requirements: https://www.notebooksapp.com/

I'm currently on the hunt for a notes app and found that. It seems to be a notes app / static site generator wysiwyg that uses HTML.

I'm curious about the Bun Framework API, is there a release date set for that?

Love bun, but I disagree that blog post explains better what v1 is, but rather explaining what bun is in general.

It hardly mentions anything until the very bottom on what's changed to reach v1, the github release page on the other hand clearly outlines it.

Personally found the blog post to read like documentation rather than a release announcement.

I believe it just takes time to iterate on such a big platform so as long as Elon (or whoever is running the show) doesn't give up or blunder it by being misguided.

Personally just today I've found my Twitter experience more engaging than ever. I'm seeing more relevant tweets on my 'for you' based on previous engagement like startup founders for example which I think is cool.

also on github: https://github.com/jeremyjaydan/dismoji.me

An old project I decided to revive & in putting in a better position to maintain.

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