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The problem is the fact that as a new medium and as an hard medium to create content for...the price is too high of a barrier and Apple didn't really ship it with any worthwhile content or purpose that can justify the purchase.


Don't buy based on promises but on what you buy NOW

What defense are you talking about?

"defending" is rather vague

Because i don't approve of what is doing but i won't stop using windows in the near future because...why should i?

What are the alternatives?

Macs qre too costly and i already have 2 windows pc

Hackintosh? Too unstable.

Linux? Too unstable and shit isn't compatible, i don't want to Google every single thing that doesn't work. I'm an advenced enough user to use non standard stuff but not advanced enough to fix whatever will break


That’s still miles away from being able to filter or categorize notifications by regexps or keywords at least.


Well, you can do it with apps like FilterBox

Honestly, I’m torn between “android power users can do so much” and “a regular app can access notifications system-wide, wtf”. How does it work?

Android apps can request very powerful permissions, but those permissions are specific, explicit and revocable. There's a fundamental trade-off between power and risk, but I think the Android security model handles that trade-off quite well.



My #1 issue is that I'd love to grant an app powerful permissions if I can ensure it doesn't have internet access. But default Android doesn't expose the network permission (which exists and is accessible in ROMs like LineageOS)

Of course if this was exposed then people would start blocking the Google data vaccum - and that's bad for business

There's a permission with a scary warning that it needs to request and be granted to read your notifications.

Yeah, same with stuff that can interact and register what is on the screen

Like a few pokemon go add-ons that can read what's on your screen and be a overlay (to distinguish good pokemon from bad)

And to be fair high end samsung phones have the best display in the market, period.

I would really dubt thwt they sell the best stuff to Apple (possible but...)

Apple only uses old cheap technology. They resisted putting OLEDs in the iPhone for many years.

S23 ultra here

You can totally remap it

You can use another keyboard

You have to look very hard to find the AI (the only use i have for it is delete some objects from a photo and that takes a few tries)

You can literally solve everything in a few minutes

What if I don't want to deal with these problems in the first place

They're not problems. It's a customizable device to this extent, and you have preferences, so just change the settings. The alternative is that you cannot do anything about it.

Buy another phone?

Buy an iPhone and you don't have to ever wonder if you CAN change something

Does this comment mean to say that you can change anything or that you can't? IIRC there are quite a few things locked down on an iPhone that require you to jailbreak it if you want to customize it, but I haven't been in the iPhone space for a long time now so please forgive my naivety.

Yes, that's what i meant.

"With an Android if you have a shitty "feature" usually you can just change it"

I have a samsung and everything is custom, nothing but the setting menu is Samsung at this point on my phone.

And my choice was dictated only by the hardware in the Android ecosystem (i wanted the S pen)

On an iPhone you can customize very little, the homepage alone would make me furious.

Yup. Don’t like siri? Go kick rocks.

You can disable Siri entirely, as far as the voice interface.

You have to enable Siri for carplay, which is really obnoxious.

Glad to know they didn't remove the customizable button then :) I plan on squeezing as much life out of my Note 10 as I can but I know its number will come soon enough.

Two other data points: I had the note 9, and the button wasn't customizable (you could disable the app and tweak some other things to keep the button from doing anything, but you couldn't remap it, that was new in the note 10.) And having upgraded to the S24 ultra... there's no button any more, just power + volume. (As shipped, the power button does some bixby nonsense, but it's a couple of clicks to make it do power again, and camera on double-click, like it did on all of the previous models.)

S24 doesn't have the bixby button at all.

My Note 9 screen just broke.... :(

I want a flagship with headphone jack please.

....can you really DDoS Bing?

This seems like a skill issue.

Joking aside, you should learn what the tool you are using does instead of saying that's its bad because it does not do what you think it should do

Man, i hate it.

Not only a lot of communities are hidden because of Discord (at least with Reddit they were more discoverable), the worst part is the fact that they are unsearchable or behind a paywall.

Like the "join my discord if you pay at least 3$/mo!" is pretty innocent but you are gatekeeping a community that before was pubblic.

If we are talking about something like a content creator focused about an hobby or pc problems you can see how Google will become even more useless.

Reddit was the least bad choice between it and Discord but has failed the "i want to be a social network".


I live on 350 Euros a month; my rent is 180 Euros. I literally cannot find 3 bucks to be part of a community. I am not a parasite.

I apologize for my above comment. I should have been more thoughtful. You are absolutely not a parasite and do have value.

You’re a good person

Even the idea of payment to access a community is just absurd. If I'm an integral part of a tight-knit community I can see myself participating in common expenses, but I would never pay for access. At that point you're just a consumer buying a service.

>Even the idea of payment to access a community is just absurd.

Is it?

If we put aside the common notion that "everything on the internet is and should be free-as-in-beer and fuck you if you disagree", is it really that absurd?

Communities more often than not prefer setting up some kind of filtering to weed out certain people, and a paywall is one of those filters.

So every time I have a 1/10th chance to find some useful information on some subreddit, I should pay 3$ for that same chance?

>Here's a mirror,


So there's a large mirror involved?


No, just the camera lenses and sensors for each lens.

I am wondering if they just "stack" the images or if there is something more involved.


He still felt it

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