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AFAIK device uuid has been unique to device+app for at least 2 years now (iOS).

device + app having a unique UUID has been going on longer than that.

3 years ago uber got popped for this:


I can tell you that fingerprinting is still possible today.

It’s company not app on iOS, you get a new one if you delete every app from one publisher

Just wanted to note it was filed Apr. 21, 2000. 2007 is when the patent was given.

Nod, thanks. Makes no difference to our prior art, happily, as we were three years before that.


Buffet interview talking about the tax changes before they got through.

Apparently it is a better value store than gold. There goes -50% of that stored value I guess.

Only if you stored that value at the peak. If you stored that value a few years ago, it's not that big of a deal to be back to the price it was in November (which itself was pretty incredible)

So you're saying Bitcoin is only good for early adopters and it's dangerous for new users to use Bitcoin because they could lose all their stored value when early adopters cash out?


We were in acquisition talks which had gone as far as agreeing to a price. We wanted a small break fee that would help cover legal costs if the deal fell through. It was a strong no from them and they wouldn't budge. So in our case yes. With that being said I too would like to know if it is uncommon.

He is saying that there should be no pay gap based on gender and if that were the case women would not need to ask for a raise to bring their salary up to the same as what a male in the same position would make.

ahhhh .com. The original bitcoin. Sort of?

Not reddit. Not funny. From what I read he wasn't driving. Carry on.

Information asymmetry. I personally won't shed a tear for the airlines about it.

What is astonishing by that? They can easily be splicing fiber cables taking a copy of most Internet traffic and recording either the actual call or just the from/to/length info and his answer is totally correct. It is actually a really terrible question.

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