You don't need to be a rocket scientist to see that the sole provider, globally, of a reliable, reusable, orbital launch platform--also a proven heavy and in-development unprecedented super-heavy--is industry leading. SpaceX is at least a generation ahead of not only every other commercial competitor, but also every national space programme the world over.
Who else would be industry leading if not for SpaceX? Genuinely asking, I don't get how a source would be even possible for this. Do you mean in terms of launch? Satellites in orbit? Because they are leading both of those by far
> In my opinion, the individual is best off ignoring all of it, _and dealing with their actual lives_, rather than taking any of the distracting and manipulative stories seriously.
Yes, yes, and yes. And now observe how many clickbait and fear-mongering articles people tend to react to.
Don't gey sidetracked by topics pushed by other people.