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In what sense is it effective? I'd been lurking here for months before I learned that YC was a company and it ran this place. (Then again I guess I'm not in any sort of relevant target group).

Yes, but our brain is still working and processing information at those times as well, isn't it? Even if not in the same way as it does when we're conscious.

What about general anesthesia? I had a major operation during which most of my brain was definitely offline for at least 8 hours.

Anesthesia shouldn't take your brain offline. It just makes you unconscious, paralyzes you, and gives you amnesia. Your brain is still active under general anesthesia. What you were thinking or feeling for those 8 hours was just forgotten.

[citation needed].

You might try https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8054915/ which states: "General anesthesia is characterized by loss of consciousness, amnesia, analgesia, and immobility." and further down shows brain activity recorded while under anesthesia via EEG. The paper looks at the differences and similarities of brain activity while under anesthesia and sleep. This is only possible because, however changed or slowed by it, the brain is still active while under anesthesia

What if a king was excommunicated by the Pope? Isn't that kind of similar to "losing the divine right to rule"?

Some people might also know Solace from BioShock: Infinite.

The "bug" in this case imo, is that we interpret A's sequence as "random garbage" without regard to the actual contents, whereas we interpret B's as "all Ts". The question our brain asks then is "is it more likely to get random garbage or all Ts?"

Right. It might be more interesting to consider the count of Ts and Hs instead of considering exact sequences.

I suspect you are joking, but bytes weren't always 8-bit long, were they?

I think the OP was being ironic.

They were, if you were born in 1993?

I think mental practice (e.g. visualizing yourself playing in the place you will perform next day, going through the sheet music consciously noting your intent and possible difficulties, or memorizing complex passages without the keyboard etc.) is a great complement to actual physical practice. It's no substitute, but at least it can be done basically anywhere.

No, never seen that channel before but if he interviewed at the Fremont campus in Seattle we probably had the same interviewer or same internal guidelines?

It looks like he took that job, I didn't.

On reflection I am sure the fact that both he and I had backgrounds with solving performance problems, forcing us to dig into the details of big-O is why we had similar experiences.

Mix with what is probably some standard questions inside Google and it illustrates the problem I was thinking about.

That is one of the better videos I have seen on the topic, so thanks for sharing it.

Interesting! "Kuki" in Hungarian is a children's word for penis. I assume it's a nickname for "kukac", meaning worm/maggot (which, btw, is the same word we use for the @ symbol).

A friend told me that the third video in the recommended list (the one that you see on the side when playing a video) often seems to be a (sometimes) barely related one from a small channel you've never watched. I can confirm the same happens to me.

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