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The most you can do is backup the files and save them on a physical drive or another online cloud service.

How can this happen?

What reddit is doing is crazy and it will face consequences for it.

They are thanking the car even they think there is no driver. Thats good.

Caste discrimination is even written in Mahabharata too. Do you guys think this caste discrimination in India and Indians is going away soon? I don't think so.

All Brahmins worship gods who are non-Brahmins in their avatar. To say that Brahmins practice caste discrimination is to say that Brahmins discriminate against their own gods. Doesn’t compute.

I am using y2mate[dot]guru to download

I started recording podcast and hosted it on anchor. And submitted to all podcast directories.

Now you can search my podcast on google as "MeThoNenu"

does banning these apps do any good for the Indian Government? It just like taking revenge on Chinese companies rather than china gov.

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