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I should point out that this has been posted [1], but not for the past half decade, long enough to need another PSA :)

[1] https://hn.algolia.com/?q=https%3A%2F%2Fagner.org%2Foptimize...

Wrong sorting. It gets posted much more often; for example: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=36905443

It is the framework used by meson which was how I came across it. It's different, for short API documentation the yaml structure probably works better.

This is a major PITA. Also quite concerning for the entire R ecosystem. No packages can be installed or submitted, all CI runs will fail as a result.

I have to say though, most compilers courses I've seen have an inordinate emphasis on parsing and little else. Still a great post.

> I have to say though, most compilers courses I've seen have an inordinate emphasis on parsing and little else.

Which is sad, because parsing is simpler than the theory-heavy books make it out to be and understanding optimization is probably more practically important for programmers.

I mostly agree. Parsing is as complex as the theory-heavy books make it out to be (and more as you keep going down the rabbit hole). But the necessity of that complexity is isolated to some pretty niche areas. If you've been brushing up against the limitations of straight forward parsing for a number of years and are still finding them wanting, then you might be one of the few people who need to delve deeper.

Almost everyone should just hand code a recursive descent parser and then move on with their lives. I've been a part of a few book clubs at work that tried to dig into compiler books and the same thing kept happening. People get bogged down by the parser theory and give up. One of the people even eventually left to work on cryptograph for a company doing government contracts. These people could understand complex topics, but apparently parsing theory is a bridge to far for nearly everyone.

the happy path may very well be "simpler," but I get the impression a lot of the newer parsing techniques focus on error recovery which is what made clang and friends game-changers because they emit helpful and often actionable error messages on malformed input

it's a whole other ballgame when writing interactive parsers (as one would for IJ or I think tree-sitter, too) where the document spends the majority of its life in an erroneous state

now, I can appreciate diving into such an 80/20 topic may be too much for a compiler course, but as for really rolling out a compiler or editor plugin, it's the difference between "this is crap" and "wow, that's genuinely helpful"

Also the example cases they tested on (Ising model for LR, LJ for short range) are almost too trivial..

FWIW this was done very much to scratch the itch of the official documentation (at https://eigen.tuxfamily.org/dox/) being unavailable for some reason or the other far too often. Most recently noted here: https://www.tuxfamily.org/en/news/2023070900

Because Mozilla has proven time and again to be a false friend to the foss community. Look at thunderbird and xul, not to mention the fact that they basically ended up copying chromium..

Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good. Especially since the alternatives are openly hostile to FOSS.

How is Brave openly hostile to FOSS?

Brave might not be FOSS-hostile, but they are still a re-badged chromium with some crypto-stuff on top.

They maintain a more optimized adblocker, fingerprinting protection, integrate the ungoogled-chromium patches without breaking the Chrome extension store nor Widevine, and they offer native IPFS integration.

I disable all the crypto integration and use it because it's precisely "chromium without google services but still usable", all while remaining open source and focusing on privacy, something that Edge, Vivaldi and Opera do not.

More like to the side.

Chromium is leading the market by a wide margin in security.

Forking Chromium is the only current viable way forward.

My apologies. I had only Microsoft's and Google's browsers in mind.

"X is not pope/saint-like, so I will stick with Y which is openly a villain"

Unlike Google, who are consistently great? I don't think so.

Unlike Apple’s Safari that consistently introduces privacy related features and provides excellent battery life.

Only to macOS/iOS users.

Edit: Who can afford paying a premium for privacy (if one agrees with the parent assumption, that is).

Or recently, the post-install page having a nagging animated button to please buy Mozilla VPN.

I don't understand where advice like finishing the book is optional comes from. Anyone who's ever written anything of some length and gone through the publishing process with copy editors would recognize that stories are told in coherent pieces. If a book isn't meant to be finished it isn't meant to be read. Move on.

Every time I read these things I'm surprised at how one sided and narrow minded these are! People in the nordics have existed for centuries with periods of 24 hours of daylight. The concept of natural light and sleeping with the sun is excessively stupid.

Just repeating all the other comments from people living in the Nordics: it's a hassle now during summer to sleep anywhere you don't have good blinds to get near-complete darkness.

Not only that but you feel that your body doesn't relax at night time, here in Stockholm right now there is sunlight up to 21-something, never getting completely dark after that until the sun is up again around 03.00, my body is still fully awake with energy until way past 23.00 when usually during winters I'll feel tired by 18.00 as it is dark since around 14.30-15.00.

I'm not Swedish but every Swede I know go through these cycles around the year, living here for 6 years hasn't changed much in terms of adaptation except that I just know that's how it works.

As someone living in Norway I can tell you that heavy blinds are pretty much standard in every bedroom.

Yup, where I live as well. However it's fairly common to see people play outside at around 11pm during the summer which is what I meant. Additionally, from your comment, I wonder if you grew up there. There is of course a difference between moving to a country with "abnormal" lighting and growing up in one.

EDIT: Updated to elide personal information

As a person who lives in the Nordic countries, the sun is a major problem in here when it comes to sleeping and seasonal mental health issues. Yes, we do get by, but not without a cost. It is a serious interference with grave consequences for some people, and minor consequences for others, but nearly everyone is affected at least in some way.

A few years ago, in the architecture and design museum in Stockholm, I saw an exhibit of a bus shelter that had been fitted with bright daylight lamps for use in a northern Swedish city. It apparently had a measurable impact on depression and suicide when they were deployed.

That's true, I've heard of more people complaining about seasonal mood swings. It'd be interesting to read something in the "mainstream" which at least acknowledged people in "unnaturally lit" areas though.

This article talks more about genetics rather than light, so I'm not sure where you're coming from here.

They also cover the fact that there are multiple processes that affect the onset of sleep, and daylight is just one of them.

It's also possible that Scandinavians have some genetic differences that reduce the effect of long days on their ability to fall asleep.

I always sleep with bright light on. Dreams become more summerly and happy.

Also I discovered recently that when tenting in mid-winter it is advisable to leave small ledlamp on. If you wake up in utter darkness, and you cannot remember where you are, panic attack can cause sever damage to the equipment. -- Double sleeping bags are the worst when zippers are not aligned anymore.

And yes. I have had a black bear stomping on my tent in Haida Gwaii. Yelling chased it away.

+1000 for the tiling window manager comment! I can't stand the weird nightmare which is macos desktop management with spaces.

iCal is a big draw though, Linux calendars are terrible and since thunderbird choked and left xul Mailmate is attractive too.

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