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you made your forms wrong on the front-end, it's not auto-filling.

Thanks for the feedback! I'll get that fixed. Have you had a chance to try it yet?

also first load took 3+ sec

Ok can someone explain how they reached this conclusion that the brain is able to separate, merge, or drop experiences during sleep within 1 second? The rat experiment mentioned doesnt explain how they are able to interpret brain signals and map them to prior experiences.

where are you quoting that from?

Some text on our website's homepage (https://codeviz.ai)

I'm curious if something like this would be good for multiplayer games?

We have basic example demonstrating how you can use Instant to make games [1] and a live iOS app built with Instant and React Native [2]

[1] https://www.instantdb.com/examples?#8-merge-tile-game

[2] https://github.com/jsventures/stroopwafel

I see that it's in Belgium. What are the time zone / working period expectations?

i think even more relatable is how many customers they can handle at say 200 mbps

Naw when it comes to gen ai Google teams dont have that much will power to say what train they're getting on. It's pretty much a directive at Google at this point for everyone to get on the gen AI train.

none of the open roles are for Sr PM?

As a candidate, I tend to raise an eyebrow at an org hiring exclusively for middle-management positions. It isn't a red flag but it's generally a yellow one.

bro heard about Tesla and said we are the Tesla of robovacuums lol

In the clip linked, just after the time-point linked to, Lex asks him about autonomous vehicles and LIDAR vs Cameras only. He goes on to say his robots have a harder environment to navigate than cars. Take that as you will.

If the environment is difficult to navigate, then it sounds like your robots should have lidar on them.

Taking this with a lot of salt, at least cars are expected in decently defined pathways. Interpreting the activity around the roadways is definitely complicated, but the number of possible paths to take is fairly well defined. It doesn't have to find the walls that restrict it's path. I can see a bit of validity to his thought process. The obvious bit of overlooking the fact the robot doesn't have the ability to kill people does make it look silly

His argument is that a t-shirt can be on the floor and there are stairs etc. But a truck could drop anything on the road, any sort of animal could cross the roads, sink holes could form in roads etc. I feel he is conflating what is often a problem for his robots with what is often a problem for autonomous vehicles. Rather than what each of them must be able to handle irrespecive of how often they happen. Then there is weather etc etc.

Oh god please don't exaggerate with 'survive the coming storm' when it comes to Google. They make like 60 B in profit each year. Survival is so far away from the right word to describe their situation. It's just about profit maximization. How about we step outside the cult of capitalism for its own sake.

How much (less) in profit each year would Google have to make for you to consider them in survival mode? And also, what qualifies you to be the expert on their financial status and needs?

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