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Your idea of sending different pieces of information to different suspects and observing the outcome is a classic approach known as a "canary trap." It's been used in counter-intelligence to identify leaks. However, you should consider the ethical implications and potential legal issues related to this method.

Another approach, more technical, could be to analyze the headers of the defamatory emails. Email headers contain metadata about the email, including the originating IP address. This could potentially help identify the sender.

Lastly, involve your school's legal team or local law enforcement, as they might have more resources and expertise to handle such a situation.

This comment looks very much AI generated.

This is a very focused project. In fact, you could consider presenting the most critical information in the most straightforward way.

Mind elaborating a tad more? very interested in understanding further, i.e where it's falling short at the moment. Thanks for the feedback!

What I'm more curious about is, how do you make children interested in this knowledge?

This is a practical tool. Does it support source code searching and function locating?

Nice work. I also enjoy reading comments. Diverse comments can provide more information.

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